River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Forget Me Not Club

January 2001

Details from the end of 2000

Our meeting held on 15th October was most informative. I had asked if Social Services could send someone to the Club to advise what care was available for the elderly, also what equipment could be provided to make their life somewhat easier. Linda Johnston, Referral manager arrived a 2.00 and, after lengthy discussions and many, many questions asked, took down seven people's names from the club for referral. All have since been contacted by Social services.

On 25th October a minibus was hired and we went to Baytree for the day. It was wonderful; the weather was kind to us and the Christmas decorations were out of this world. It was a child's delight. We left at 10.00a.m. and arrived back at 4.00p.m.; all loaded with both plants and decorations ready for the festive season.

In November we had Valerie from the Cats Protection League who came and gave her usual talk and brought calendars, writing equipment and many items for us to see and, if we wished, to purchase. Many items were sold and, in the end, we raised over £65.00 for the Cats.

Our Christmas Bingo was held on 9th December at the Village hall and very efficiently run by Anita and helpers. It was a great success and we raised a considerable amount of money for our club. I would like to thank everyone who came to support us and Anita for her help in running the event.

The Christmas dinner was held at the School on 13th December.

The AGM of the Forget Me Not Club will be held in the Community Centre at 2.0 p.m.on Wednesday 14th February 2001.

The Christmas pantomime outing to Cinderella at the Princess Theatre Hunstanton will leave my house at 11.00am on Sunday 7th January 2001!

A Merry Christmas & a Very Happy New Year to all

Joyce Hull

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