Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group
February 2001
Minutes from the January meeting
21 members attended the January meeting. Apologies were received from Mrs B English, Marion Clark, Janet Burns and Audrey McBride.
It was agreed that this year's subscription would be £10.00; this is a reduction of £2.00 from the previous year.
A cheque for £116.00 was received from the Harvest Fayre.
A letter had been received from the Meningitis Trust regarding a Coffee Morning; Mrs B Holley kindly volunteered to hold this at her house.
The December Whist Drive raised £20.00. The January whist drive was scheduled for 26th at 7.30pm.
A thank you letter had been received from Mr Schofield with regard to the Voucher sent to him as a thank-you for auditing the accounts.
Discussions took place regarding the July outing but no decision was made.
Mr. Beck was our speaker for the evening and he gave a very interesting talk entitled "6 Weeks in a Sheriff's Office in Florida." He told us how he went out in a Police car for a 12 hour shift, flew in a helicopter another time and also how he went on a course for Citizen's Academy and received a certificate on passing the course. He explained how different the police in Florida work from our police They carry guns at all times, even when off duty and have a shot gun locked in the roof of the police car. Mrs Armstrong thanked Mr Beck.
Mrs J McClean who also won the raffle made birthday posies.
The next meeting will be held on 7th February at 7.30pm where we will be entertained by the Breckland Bell Ringers.