River Wissey Lovell Fuller

The future

February 2001

Where should the Village Pump be heading?

Dear Editor,

I have always taken a close interest in the Village Pump having frequently purchased it over many years. One of the reasons I like it is because a charge is made which I consider is as it should be. Not all village newsletters do this; some are free which is something I don't understand.

Another reason is that the Village Pump covers more than one village; in fact it covers six. Some other newsletters only cover their own village. If a newsletter can be of interest to six villages then to me this is quite exciting as it poses the question of expansion. Why six villages? Why not twelve, and so on?

When you stop to think of many of our large organisations; the Halifax Building Society, Marks and Spencer's, Rolls Royce and such as Norwich Union, they all had humble beginnings. Who is to say our Village Pump should not have such aspirations? We must not delude ourselves that this can't happen. Some people will say that our Village Pump is fine as it is, but it can't be. Any business, and that is what our Pump is, has to move forward; it can't stand still. If it doesn't go forward it will go backwards and eventually cease to exist.

When you look at many villages in this part of the world you find diminishing support for our Churches, Chapels, Village Shops and so on. I don't think it has to be like this. We can change it if we want to; it's up to us. In any case it's a challenge, and one I think we should at least take on board.

Les Laurence

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