Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton


March 2001

The editor's comments for March

Well here we are in March already. The next issue will be the Easter issue. Where does the time go? Much seems to have happened over the past month but one thing hasn't changed; the weather! Will it ever stop raining? The Welney Wash has now been flooded for 14 consecutive weeks.

Despite the fact that snowdrops are blooming and daffodils are in bud, we are still getting sub-zero temperatures almost every night. So what price global warning now? When we take the dogs for their daily walk, we still have to wrap up as if we were going to the Antarctic.

This month's issue of the Village Pump is still somewhat fluid, even as I go to print. Dr Knott has sent his apologies, but a family crisis has prevented the delivery of his promised article for the Doctor's Casebook. I am, however, hopeful that we can get something at the last minute from one of the Boughton Surgery locums. Here's hoping. Bookline from the Downham Library is also running late, but I will keep chasing right up to the deadline.

Apart from those two hiccoughs, readers will note yet more new advertisers and several charity appeals. All of these will also end up on the Stoke Ferry Website; so let us hope we can help others to help themselves. I'm still looking for traditional Norfolk recipes and Readers letters. Don't be shy; let me have your inputs even if they are only scribbled on the back of an envelope.

Readers of last month's Pump will be aware that the Stoke Ferry Corner Shop has undergone a re-fit and facelift. If you haven't been along to see the improvements, you really should. It is quite amazing just what Patsy and Bob have been able to fit into such a small shop. Perhaps we in Stoke Ferry are lucky; we boast three shops, a Post Office and two pubs; most Norfolk Villages are facing the loss of all their amenities. I suppose the message is clear; we must use our local shops or lose them.

Rail travellers will no doubt be delighted with the news that WAGN returned to normal service on 19th February 2001. This will be a real blessing to regular commuters. What they need to sort out now is the Station Car Park. Most days it is full to overflowing by 8.00a.m. Later travellers are left to find whatever parking they can; usually on the side of the road. This places the cars at greater risk and clogs up the already busy through routes. Things are likely to get worse if the WAGN go ahead with plans to build a bus terminus on the station forefront! Perhaps we should form a pressure group?

Well, that all for this month. Do keep the items coming; apart from the two specific requests above, anything will be considered. Why not send me your favourite joke or a special cartoon? We need to keep our readers happy.

Ray Thompson

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