West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

St Andrews' Church, West Dereaham

March 2001

Parish Mission Statement for Spring 2001

The following mission statement was approved at our recent PCC meeting, and has been sent on to the relevant officer of the Ely Diocese.

MEANS (of carrying out the Mission Statement)

1. Develop the worshipping community of St. Andrew's by:-

* Using the potential of the new Common Worship to the full

* Encouraging the gifts of every member of the congregation

* Developing the child focus of Family Services

* Using alternative music styles, and instruments

* Maintaining a regular pattern of (evening) Praise Services

* Maintaining mid-week discussion/study/prayer house-fellowships with a welcome for all

* Maintaining an annual Parish day: Acting promptly on the decisions made there.

* Running an Alpha course (1) for the worshipping community and (2) for the wider community

* Considering aspects of mission to West Dereham

2. Developing links with the wider community

* Awareness of the geography and personalities of the parish

* Pattern of visiting increased: Inform intercessions prayer list

* Awareness of other action groups within the parish to(a) avoid clashes of dates(b) join in where possible(c) invite to St. Andrew's

3. Developing St. Andrew's Church building for wider use

* Complete installation of heating

* Plan for installation of water, toilets and light-refreshment facilities

* Timetable for having church unlocked by day

* Make known potential use of the tower room: Repair the Tower roof

* Improve lighting and electric ring-mains

Revd John Isaacs

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