River Wissey Lovell Fuller


April 2001

Spring, Foot and Mouth and a very happy Easter

Have I got the seasons wrong? I keep hearing newscasters on radio and television declaring that 20th March is officially the first day of Spring but have some difficulty in reconciling that statement with the current weather conditions. To be honest, I always thought that 21st March was the start of the Spring Equinox but I won't quibble over a day. 20th or 21st, the weather has hardly been spring like, has it? Just what the farmers need on top of their other problems.

On the inevitable subject of Foot and Mouth, information has been distinctly lacking in the Wissey Community regarding 'countryside rules' for the crisis. Telephone calls to the Parish Council and enquiries to the Environmental Agency have failed to give any clear guidance. Individual farmers have, with commendable caution, displayed warning signs at the entrances to their farms. These have been supplemented with disinfection traps so at least the necessary basic precautions are in place to prevent the spread of the infection to West Norfolk. Lets all keep our fingers crossed. But little guidance has been given to visitors and local residents with regard to access to the countryside. I don't know if it is my imagination but there seems to be a distinct lack of animals in the fields around our community. At this time of the year it is usually a joy to see the lambs gambolling in local fields but to date I have not seen a one.

I have been delighted this month with the crop of readers' letters. We may not all agree with their content but at least they ensure a healthy debate. You will also note that Dr Knott has provided a statement on his article on Blood Pressure that appeared in the January edition.

It just leaves me to wish all our readers, advertisers and VP workers, a happy Easter. Let us hope the weather improves and some of the restrictions are removed so that we can all enjoy a truly spring like Bank Holiday.

Ray Thompson

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