River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

April 2001

Minutes from the March meeting

Mrs. D. Armsby welcomed 20 members to the March Meeting. Apologies were received from S. Rosser, S.Amies, T.Daly, G.Smith, C. Nigh, A.Hudson, & J..Newell.

£61 .00 had been sent to the Quiddenham Hospice from the January Charity Whist Drive and a thank you letter had been received. The February Whist Drive raised £14.00 and the next whist drive will be held on 23rd March at 7.30pm.

A coffee morning will be held at Jenny Elsey's at 10.30am on the 17th March in aid of "The Children's Society".

Our speaker for the evening was Miss J. Maddock, from the Norfolk Rural Community Council. She explained that the organization is a charity, getting its' fund9ng from Norfolk County Council, local district councils and the Countryside Agency. Their object is to get out into the community and start up projects such as Luncheon Clubs, Toddler Groups, Village Hall projects, help for rural Post Offices, etc., etc

Mrs. C. Thurlbourne gave a vote of thanks on behalf of members..

The raffle winner was Mrs. J Giles and the birthday posies were made by Mrs. J. McLean.

The next meeting will be held on 4th April at 7.30pm and the speaker will be Maxwell Smith - "Fall Colour in Pennsylvania."

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