Stoke Ferry Parish Council
May 2001
Minutes of the January meeting
Minutes of meeting on the 18th January 2001 in the school at 7.30pm.
PRESENT Mr. White (Chairman), M. Mycock (Vice Chairman), Mrs. Lewis, Miss Leamon and Messrs G. Paterson, L. Bonnett, R. Ward, A. Jagger and J. Kirchen, Borough Councillor Mr. T. Manley also attended plus 10 members of the public.
Chairman welcomed the new Parish Councillor Miss M.Leamon
Chairman regretted the demise of Mr. Tibbett of Stoke Ferry.
MINUTES of previous meeting read and signed as a true record.
1. Gravel in Buckenham Drive. Highways decline to remove any, say it will settle down eventually.
2. Waiting for exact quote for village sign.
3. Highways to repair culvert near bridge.
4. Favor Parker. Path now repaired. '
5. H/W declined to replace hazard posts in-Furlong Drove. -Considered unnecessary.
6. New seat in village. To decide at next meeting.
7. Re: Agreement with Mr. C.Stocking /cemetery land. Clause 12.1. to read "This tenancy shall automatically terminate on the half-yearly rent day next after the death of the Tenant and may be determined in the following way, by the Landlord giving to the Tenant 12 months' previous notice in writing expiring on or before 6th April or on or after the 29th September in any year". Prop.M.Mycock, 2" L.Bonnett. All in agreement.
1. Bowers, 11 ,Little Lane. Dwelling. Borough Council Permission Granted.
2. Palmer, Tree Tops, Little Lane. New roof. P.C. Approved. Perm. Granted Borough Council.
3. Coleridge. Greatmans Way, dwelling. Outline plan. perm granted.
4. Sutton. Adjoining Clifton Hse. Dwelling. Parish Council Approved.
5. Twelve bungalows at Manor Farm. Amended Design. Parish Council approved.
6. Douglas. Thompsons Lane. Change of store to dwelling. Borough Council refused.
7. Stoloff. Buckenham Drive, Dwelling. Borough Council refused.
Community Centre, £6.60. Audit £212.21, Mr. Mendoza refund £40, McMillan Cancer £25.00 Youth Club £50, Passed for payment. Prop. Mrs. Lewis, 2nd M. Mycock.
PRECEPT. It was agreed that the precept should remain at £3,150 for this year 2001/2
1. Parish Boundary Review. Borough Council suggest S.Ferry merge with Wretton.
2. H/ways to inspect Dell.
3. Detrunking orders for A 134 Thetford-Tottenhill Trunk Road.
4. Eastern Elect. No increase in changes this year.
5. Minutes received of F. Parker Liaison Meeting.
6. Transfer of Licence for Bluebell Inn.
7. Request for donation for McMillan Cancer. Agreed £25.
S. N.C.C. wrote re illegal parking of Travellers.
9. Evirn Health to clear building site at Wretton.
10. Chairman of S.F.Youth Club requested donation. P.C. Agreed £ once, to discuss at next meeting
Prop. M.Mycock 2nd L.Bonnett.
1. Manor Cottage. Two hedges need cutting. To write to owner.
2. Ashpond Hse, Oxborough Rd. Tree overhanging road. To write,
3. H/W matters, pavement moving away from wall at Kavenham Hse, path outside Bluebell needs repairing.
4. After studying the maps of proposed boundary changes, the Parish Council was in complete agreement that no changes were necessary, or any merging. Status quo to remain.
Meeting ended 9.10p.m.