War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

June 2001

Minutes of the Meeting on 22nd March 2001 in the school at 8pm

members of the public.

1. Gravel in Buckenham Drive. Borough Council to be contacted again.

2. Two Quotes for village sign. Mr. Giles, £500 for a wooden one. Mr. Stocking, a metal one £180 plus VAT and fitted on site. It was agreed to accept quote from Mr. Stocking. Prop. Mrs. Lewis, 2nd Mr. Patterson.

3. Quote from Mr. Stocking for village seat was £250 plus VAT. Council agreed to ask for quote just to replace slats with metal.

4. Cemetery land, all now agreed between Mr. C. Stocking and Parish Council.

5. Dangerous nails had now been removed from barrier near school in Wretton road, however Highways had also removed the posts, which they had not been asked to do. To request re-instating at once.

6. Youth Club. Three members were present at meeting and one gave details of their various activities. Mr. J. Preston (Youth Leader) also present. It was prop. Mr. Bonnett, 2nd Mrs. Lewis that Parish Council donate £100 in order for the Youth Club to continue, but members of club to give regular reports of their activities. It was suggested that the Parish Council should contact Wretton Parish Council in order for them to offer some financial assistance to the Youth Club as children from that village also make use of the club.

1. Dwelling house. Mr. & Mrs. Sutton. Furlong Rd. Perm. Approved by Borough Council.

2. 12 Bungalows, amended design. Bennett. Perm. Approved by Borough Council.

3. Plan. App. for change to bungalow. Mr. Sawatzki. Little Lane. P.Council agreed.

4. Plan. App. Garage. Mr. Lewis, Trafalgar House. P.Council agreed.

5. Plan. App. Loose boxes and tack room. J. McCormack. Oxborough Rd. P.Council agreed.

6. Plan. App. Relocation of area for storage of demolition waste. Mr. A. White. P.Council Agreed.

Cemetery Rates, £44. 31, Community Centre £6.60, Skip, £70.50 ,Clerks Salary and expenses £904.13.

Passed for payment. Prop. Mr. Bonnett 2nd Mrs. Lewis.

1. Ack .from B.C. re Boundary Review.

2. Transfer of licence to Self Stores. Stoke Ferry.

3. Query from County Hall re ownership of footpath. Definitely owned by Parish Council.

4. Ack from McMillan Cancer for £25.00 donation.

5. Confirmation of detrunking orders for Al34 and A47.

6. Weight restriction now on Lynn Road, Stoke Ferry.

7. E.Electricity Inventory. Confirmed 39 lights.

8. Minutes of Favor Parker L Committee.

1. Planning enforcement officer to investigate use of shed at back of Self Stores in S.F.

2. B.Council asked to wash Furlong Rd due to constant dog fouling.

3. Planning dept to investigate problems at the Dell also lack of fencing around trees on building site in Furlong Road.

4. To report following highway matters. Path between garage and fishshop needs repair.

5. Mrs. P. Lewis (School Gov) reported that the school did very well in Ofsted report.


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