River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

June 2001


Is that some kind of jokeI can't imagine anyone preferring to be broke.Working for a living, is not living life at all,Who wouldn't choose a life of luxuryLife would be a ball.

I want to be a millionaire, I've got to have a planI'm going to be a millionaire, anyway I can.

I've thought of compensation but I don't know who to sueI don't want to break my neck though, so what else can I do?What about a nervous breakdown, post traumatic stress,That's got to be worth a bob or two, my life's in such a mess.

I want to be a millionaire, I've got to have a planI'm going to be a millionaire, anyway I can.

I suppose that I could rob a bank or commit a burglaryBut it could be rather risky, if someone aimed a gun at me,I was just out for a jog I'd say, I wasn't there to stealI broke in to escape the dog, he's the guilty one I feel.

I want to be a millionaire, I've got to have a planI'm going to be a millionaire, anyway I can.

Maybe I could get a job, I'd have to be the bossResponsible for making profits, but I would make a lossThen I'd get a golden handshake and a pension to boot,I wouldn't have to work again, with that amount of loot.

I want to be a millionaire, I've got to have a planI'm going to be a millionaire, anyway I can.

I could consider marriage, he would be rich of course,We could have a baby and then a divorce. He'd have to pay me maintenance;I'd get to keep the family home, purely for the child of courseWe wouldn't want to change the life she's known.

I want to be a millionaire, I've got to have a planI'm going to be a millionaire, anyway I can.

Life's unfair now in'it; I can't earn it, I can't win it.Don't know anyone whose got it, or anyone who'll give it.I don't just want an existence, never going anywhereI've got a life I want to live it; I need to be a millionaire.

I want to be a millionaire, I've got to have a planI'm going to be a millionaire, anyway I can.

Pat Watts

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