War Memorial Gary Trouton

Your Letters

January 2002

More thoughts on Favor Parker

Dear Editor,

Having just purchased only my third copy of the Village Pump since moving to Stoke Ferry High Street six years ago may I congratulate yourself and the other members responsible for the publication on its' improvement.

It was interesting to read the ongoing Favor Parker debate, especially in light of the recent communication from the Local Authority with regard to Stoke Ferry's status as a conservation area.

When we purchased our property, obviously aware of the Factory's existence, I noticed noise and pollution levels increased when the factory was purchased by Grampion Foods, and wrote to the company. I received a pleasant response and was invited to their office to discuss the matter. Informed that new facade cladding was imminent, which would ease noise and dust, I discussed the factory's duty of care to the village with regard to transport and road damage, together with the cleaning of the village, i.e. pavements, roads, houses and again I was given assurances that these matters were high on their agenda to be actioned.

In the coming months the Facade cladding took place and the properties owned by Grampian were given a cosmetic makeover. That was four years ago!

Since then, the lorry traffic has increased together with the size and load capacity of the vehicles.

The factory capacity has increased so that pollution levels have now, even with the new cladding facade, increased.

It is high time that these and other matters are resolved.

Maybe our Parish Council could take this on! Together with the Local Authority who appears, at present, keen to have our opinions on how to protect the Conservation Area.

Over the last year we all must have noticed that the village bridge has been worked on! This could have given the authorities an opportunity to strengthen the bridge and allow Geoff Allen to deliver from that direction thus taking traffic from the High Street. If then the Bus Stop was moved to the Furlong, then no bus needs to go down the High Street! That would have made it possible to make the centre of Stoke Ferry restricted only to cars thus conserving the village, which is what all this is about! We have a by-pass; people should use it!

The Parish Council and Local Authority should apply attention to having the village streets and roads regularly cleaned and Councils should make sure that these and other items, such as signage and railings and maintained. It may also be possible to apply pressure to the major polluters in the village to contribute more to its' upkeep. This might, hopefully, have stopped a local Skip Hire Company from depositing half the contents of its' landfill site on the Lynn Road and A134 this year. How do they get away with this? Perhaps we should ask the Parish Council???

My view is that the Authorities should listen to what the residents of Stoke Ferry think about Conservation and take some action in a more positive way other than just planning permission.

Concerned Villager

Dear Ray,

Recently I wrote complaining of the poor standard of driving on Norfolk's roads. I had hoped that somebody might have come back at me defending their county's drivers, but no, so I assume everyone agrees with me.

Since I last wrote on the subject, I have nearly been hit head on by someone doing a double overtaking manoeuvre, watched another driver overtake on the "Hidden Dip" section of the A134 and by a whisker miss a head-on collision, and watched the increase in the pitiful bunches of flowers that are placed at fatal accident spots. The incidence of cars ending up in ditches and dykes has increased alarmingly also.

Come on, you locals, defend yourselves, or are we infiltrators from the Home Counties really so much better after all?

Graham Forster

Dear Ray,

I suppose I am a "tweenie", living between Methwold and Stoke Ferry but always read the online Pump with interest.

As a hospital worker may I join the congratulations to the 50th pint of blood donated by one of your villagers. The adverts are true: "Surgeons saved his leg, blood donors saved his life". Without these wonderful selfless people virtually no elective surgery would take place, and accident victims would die. Thanks again.

With another hat on I would like to echo the comments made about the Euro. It is not always known that the cost to this country to change to the Euro would be in excess of 30 billion pounds. In addition ALL of our gold reserves would have to be given to the control of foreign nations. If you don't like what the EU is doing, please consider the UK Independence Party, of which I am the South West Norfolk constituency treasurer.

Finally, with a third hat on, you asked people if they were happy with what they had done this year. If not, could I suggest they might like to accept an invitation to visit Denver Sailing Club on any Sunday from March onwards? We are open for teas, cakes and hot meals and we would be happy to advise anyone considering sailing to see if it's for them. In addition we have special "taster" days where we take members of the public out for a sail in a more relaxed way.

Tony Bennett (Vice-Commodore, Denver Sailing Club)

Dear Ray,

Earlier this year I wrote applauding the heroics of Ellen Macarthur in the Vendee Dome Yacht Race. I further said that I would be devastated if she wasn't recognised in two ways. Firstly, that she should receive an award in the Queen's birthday honours list, which she did - a well-merited OBE - and secondly that she be nominated for Sportsperson of the Year on BBC Television. To my amazement and delight she was, and her finishing second between two footballers in a minority interest sport, was a great achievement!

Happy New Year Ellen!

Graham Forster

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