April 2002
Spring birds, spring gardening, the prize crossword and Easter memories
Well now it is officially spring so perhaps we can cease to be surprised at all the early springtime happenings. We were delighted to see the sand martins back on the Wretton Relief Channel, a full two weeks earlier than usual, and I am positive I saw a tiny wren last week with a mouth full of worms, which suggested she already had a nest full of fledglings. One early spring visitor I did miss out on was the Red Kite that arrived in full plumage at Downham railway station. This visitor caused considerable interest in Downham, both to the "twitchers" and the local crow population. Apparently, the Red Kite feeds on crow fledglings!
However, despite the early spring, didn't we have some tremendous gales? Apparently, the fen farmers lost literally tons of topsoil during the recent Fen Blows. One problem with this barmy weather is the speed at which my lawns grow. I saw in the newspaper last week that we may soon need to mow lawns all through the year! That is a sobering thought. But at least the spring flowers have been good this year and my cherry blossom has actually survived the high winds. The spring weather has brought the gardeners out early, too. Aided and abetted by TV Alan Titchmarsh and his BBC2 series, 'How to be a Gardener', my own daughter has, in her words, become addicted. I never thought I'd see the day when she kept gardening notes! In our small way the Pump is also helping; Martin Davey gives some useful hints on planning your garden in this month's Garden Talk.
I am delighted to see that our correspondence column continues to flourish. Please keep them coming; your views and comments are the lifeblood of the Village Pump. It is also pleasing to see how many people are attempting our Prize Crossword. We just need a winner from Boughton to complete the full set of an award to each of the villages covered by our magazine. So come on all you Boughtonians; try your hand at this month's crossword. Don't forget, the prize awarded by the Corner Shop is either a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates.
Don't forget, the clocks go forward on Easter Day. Apparently that is now another custom subject to European Law! But Easter is early this year so you will, not only lose an hours sleep but also, will have to fight off the craving for chocolate Easter eggs. What ever your age, have a lovely Easter; it always seems to me to be the start of the year. When I was a lad it was a time for new Sunday best and Easter bonnets. Perhaps some of you have some memories of the Easters of yesteryear that you could share with our readers?
Ray Thompson