War Memorial Gary Trouton

Minutes Of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

April 2002

Held in the school on 17th Jan 2002 at 7:30pm

Held in the school on 17th Jan 2002 at 7:30pm

PRESENT .Chairman, & Messrs Patterson, Bonnett, Ward , Jagger, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Leamon, plus eight members of the public.

APOLOGIES, Mr. Mycock, Mr. Kerchen and Mr. T.Manley, Borough Councillor.

MINUTES of previous meeting read and signed as a true record.

The Community Police Officer, Paul Smith attended the meeting and was invited to advise the village on various problems arising there.

Complaints had been received re inconvenient and poor parking, behaviour of some youths, solvent sniffing and discarded rubbish etc., and the vandalising of the bus shelter. Mr. Smith suggested that villagers contacted him personally at the Downham Market Police Station at the time of the incident and not days later. Chairman thanked Mr. Smith for his help.


1. The Enforcement Officer was now investigating the problems at Ferry Stores.

2. Mr. Smith, Community Officer had suggested that P.C. ask Highways for extra double yellow lines in village, and also to contact Mildenhall School re bad parking of the school bus when collecting /dropping off pupils.

3. Litter bins to be installed shortly.

4. Re repair to bus shelter, quote from blacksmith £650.00 plus VAT, it was decided to ask for a further quote and to include strengthening.

5. Parking on the pavement at All Saints Lodge was obviously the incorrect address; it should have been All Saints House.


1. Bennett. Micklefields. Three sun lounges to bungalows. Perm granted by Borough Council.

2. Bennett. Three sun lounges to bungalows. Approved Parish Council.

3. P.App. Conversion of Coach House into dwelling. P.C. approved but suggest off-street parking

4. P.App.The Granary. Barn to dwelling. P.C. approved but suggest off-street parking.

5. P.App. Mr Wright. Furlong Drove, dwelling re pig breeding business. P.C. approved..


Community Centre. £6.60. T.Bonnett, New Barrier £305.05. Prop.P.Lewis, 2nd L.Bonnett.


1. Favor Parker Liaison gave details of complaints received by F.P. and the action taken

2. Copies of conservation area draft character statement.

3. Confirmation of Dedication Agreement for new footpath, junction of Lynn Rd and Buckenham Drive.

4. Notification of Audit, 28th January, 2002 for Stoke Ferry.

5. Letter from Mintlyn Crematorium pointing out the inherent dangers in high memorial stones that public and Parish Council should be aware of.

6. Borough Council suggested P.C. should be responsible for numbering and naming streets. Parish Council declined.

7. Borough Planning gave notice that a planning application had been received in respect of the redundant All Saints Church.

8. Youth Club. In dire need of further adult help. ~Those interested contact J.Preston 501050/502050. Otherwise the club is a great success.

9. The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) which came into effect on 27/11/01. Details of this had been given to all Councillors.

10. Letter from Mr. I.Durrance, Oxborough Rd, querying his right of way down Great Man's Way leading to the river.


After some discussion as to next year's budget it was decided to increase the precept to £4,000 for 2002/2003.

Prop. L.Bonnett, 2nd P.Lewis.


I. Inform H/ways of concrete slab behind telephone kiosk, also remind them about list of work given to them by Mr White and as yet not attended to.

2. Seat on hill near church very damaged. P.C. decided to remove it and not replace..

3. Extensive dog fouling in Buckenham Drive.

Member of the public voiced his dismay at living in a conservation area and queried the advantages.


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