Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group
June 2002
Minutes from the April and May meetings
The April meeting was attended by 35 members. Apologies were received from S Rosser Nye, A Hudson, and D Eves. 150.00 pounds was raised for the Meningitis Trust.
Our speaker for the evening was Mrs. J Russell who gave us a talk on Decoupage, she them got all the member that were interested to have a go themselves and we all ended up making cards and so members were quite hooked on the idea. Mrs. C Thurlbourne thanked Mrs. Russell.
Birthday posies were made and presented by Mrs. M Clark. A special birthday arrangement was made to Mrs. G Hills as she celebrated her 80th birthday.
Raffle winners were Mrs. J Newell & Mrs. M Bugg.
The May meeting was very well attended plus 4 visitors. Apologies were received from Mrs. T Daly and Mrs. M Sutton.
Thank you letter received from The Meningitis Trust.
Thank you letter received from Northwold W.I. for the W.I. china we gave to them since we are no longer a W.I. also inviting our members to a garden party they are holding in August.
Our speaker for the evening was Mrs. J Burns who gave us a very interesting talk about her holiday in Jordan , how she went to the lost city of Petra and slept out in the desert with just a blanket for warmth. Also her ride on the camel and a visit to the Dead Sea. Mrs. Burns was thanked by Mrs. M Clark.
Birthday Posies were made and presented by Mrs. C Thurlbourne.
Raffle won by Mrs. G Hills.