Stoke Ferry Parish Council
June 2002
Minutes of the March meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 14the March in the school at 7.30pm
Chairman and Messrs Mycock, Bonnett, Ward, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Leamon, plus seventeen members of the public.
Messrs Kerchen, Jagger, and Patterson, plus Mr T Manley, Borough Cllr.
MINUTES of previous meeting read and signed as a true record.
1. The bus shelter had now been repaired.
2. Parking at All Saints House still bad. To contact Mr. Smith Community Officer.
3. Chairman displayed litter bin at meeting. Three to be installed through village.
4. Member of Youth Club at meeting. Gave a report on Club. Very well attended and most popular. Require funds.
5. Concrete slab near telephone kiosk now re-instated.
Parish Council now formally adopted the Code of Conduct w.e.f. 14th March 2002.
1. Borough Council refused planning permission for Coach House to dwelling. Furlong Road.
2. Borough Council granted planning permission for four dwellings near Bluebell Inn.
3. Borough Council granted planning permission for two dwellings at Little Lane.
4. Borough Council granted planning permission Barn to dwelling at The Granary, also Sun lounge at Micklefields.
5. Borough Council granted planning permission for crushing of demolition wastes. Mr. White.
6. P.C. agreed to planning application Sun lounge at Micklefields.
7. P.C. agreed to planning application Bond. Oxborough Rd.,extension and garage..
8 P.C. agreed to planning application Douglas, agric. buildings to dwelling.
Account books with District Auditor.
1. Favor Parker Liaison Committee meetings. Copies of minutes.
2. Request for donation from C.A.B. agreed to £10.
3. Mr Chapman, Lilac Farm, concerned at Cattle Float, Horse Box and Yellow Van parked at Barkers Drove, to check Right of Way.
4. Mr M Mann, High Street, Stoke Ferry wrote stating his interest in any vacancies on the Parish Council.
5. Local Transport Plan, progress report questionnaire.
6. Green Paper on Planning. A summary.
7. Change of Licence for the Corner Shop, High Street, Stoke Ferry.
1. The track along Great Man's Way had now been cleared, however, the situation was being monitored.
2. The telephone kiosk had been vandalised yet again.
3. It was agreed to purchase Golden Jubilee mugs from Norfolk China for village children. Exact numbers to be verified.
4 Council waste bin has gone from the common. To investigate.
5. Shed in cemetery damaged.
6. Road in Furlong Road needs repair, inform H/Ways.
7. To contact J Norris, N.C.C. re outstanding H/W matters.
Meeting ended 9.05pm