Green Living
August 2002
Compost and Peat
No one likes smelly landfill sites but we still put 27 million tonnes of compostable waste in the bin in the UK each year. By composting we get free (or very cheap) garden compost and reduce the waste we produce for landfill. Most commercially available compost is peat based. In the main this peat comes from lowland raised peat bogs that are one of the most ancient and valuable habitats that we have in the UK. We have already taken out the peat of 94% of this habitat and gardeners like us use 70% of this peat. So we can help save this environment by composting to produce our own compost and by making sure we only buy peat free compost. Norfolk County Council is subsidising the cost of compost bins.
To find out more about peat bog preservation contact Plant Life or The Scottish Wildlife Trust.
Please keep your ideas or comments coming in to
Revd Nigel Tuffnell