Articles from 2002
Letters to the Editor
August 2002
Lynn News correspondent, legal aid and the Pump's purpose Dear Editor, I have recently taken on the...
Guide Garden
August 2002
A new play area for the Stoke Ferry Brownies For several months the Feltwell Guides have been...
Green Living
August 2002
Compost and Peat No one likes smelly landfill sites but we still put 27 million tonnes of...
Gardener's Corner
August 2002
Holiday care for indoor plants Holidays, great for us, but not for our houseplants. Unless you have...
Education - A Must
August 2002
What would happen if we all laft school at 14? I was in conversation with a friend of mine recently....
August 2002
Does human nature extend to or national institutions? Hello again, As I write this (deadline day!),...
August 2002
New titles available from Mobile and Branch Libraries in Norfolk Lindsey Davis - The Jupiter Myth:...
Back to the Chapel
August 2002
The business of religion I am well aware that when you write on a regular basis there is a danger...
Anyone for Tennis
August 2002
Is is too elitist? As I write this we are in the middle of Wimbledon Fortnight, and I just can't...
Another Day Out In Norfolk
August 2002
The Beachamwell Village Gardens On Sunday, 30th June, the village of Beachamwell opened many of its'...
Your Letters
July 2002
Farming, driving and moving Dear Ray, I feel that I have to comment about your editorial in the June...
Yes, A Dinner Suit
July 2002
Apparently, Les Lawrence looks resplendent in one Many years ago I bought myself a Dinner Suit; bow...
Whittington School Reunion
July 2002
An account of this event held in June The Whittington School Reunion was held at Whittington Church...
Village Kitchen
July 2002
Recipies for tomato and rice salad 4 ripe tomatoes Salt to taste 2 fresh green chilli's 3...
The Story So Far
July 2002
Chapter four Distraught to find he is not even included in his village football team, never the less...
Suicide Bombers
July 2002
Would you live in Palestine? I have been absolutely amazed at the amount of controversy that Cherie...
July 2002
Global Warming and Wind Turbines The justification for the introduction of wind turbines is...
July 2002
Disabled Parking Two years ago I was forced to retire prematurely due to ill health brought on by a...
Runnin' on
July 2002
A new catflap Anyone coming to our back door may well wonder if they ought to beat a hasty retreat...
Rector's Letter
July 2002
Sunday Best July sees the end of the School year and the start of the long summer holidays. Each...