River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Quidenham Hospice

January 2003

Fundraising initiatives for this children's hospice near Thetford

"When the days in their life is uncertain, the life in their days is important."

In early December I visited the Children's Hospice in Quidenham, near Thetford. The Hospice opened in 1991 and merged with Milton in Cambridge to pool resources and fundraising. They have since opened a third hospice in Ipswich and together form EAST ANGLIA CHILDREN'S HOSPICE (EACH).

One gets such a positive feedback from Quidenham and it is so bright and cheerful in spite of the fact that few patients will reach adulthood. It is estimated that 1,300 children will need this specialised care in East Anglia and yet the Government provides only 10% of the funding required.

There are currently no fundraising groups in this area and I would like to remedy this. To be effective, we need to create a sound supporters group; it is not something that can be done efficiently by an individual. I would like, therefore, to appeal to readers of the Pump, their families and friends to help me set up and run a funding group for Quidenham Hospice. A little of your time will really go such a long way to help these unfortunate children.

If you are interested in joining my pioneering venture, or feel that you could help in anyway, please call me on 01366 501536. I would like to get things moving early in the New Year, so please give a thought as to how you can help while you digest your Christmas pudding.

Joan Forster

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