River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

February 2003

Minutes of the January 2003 meeting

22 members and one visitor attended the January meeting. Apologies were received from several members. Claire Lankfer took the meeting as Doris Armsby was unwell.

An invitation has been received from Downham Market. Our March meeting there will be a Bring and Buy stall and all proceeds will go to the Meningitis Trust.

Northwold are holding a Quiz Night on 18th March and have invited us to enter. Two teams will be going; S Smith, Y Kean, B Preecey, M Smith, J Elsey, S Amies, C Lankfer, S Miller.

Claire reminded members that subscriptions were now due.

Our speaker for the evening was Mr Donachie who has been head gardener at Oxborough hall for 20 years. He gave a very interesting talk with slides about the garden during different times of the year. Mrs C Lankfer gave a vote of thanks.

Birthday posies were made by C Nye; raffle winners were Alice Wooller and J McLean.

The next meeting will be held on 5th February at 7.30 pm when the speaker will be Mr R Warner talking about a Visit to the Ukraine.

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