River Wissey Lovell Fuller

West Dereham Parish Council

February 2003

Minutes of the January 2003 meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2003 at 8p.m. in the Village Hall.

Present: E. Drew - Chairman, T.Manley, Miss A. Richardson, G Cann, Mrs. D. Berry, P. Wood together with three members of the public.

Apologies: B. Glover and P.C. Bell


It was proposed by T. Manley and seconded by Miss Richardson that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th December 2002 be signed as a correct record.

Matters Arising:

* It was confirmed that Smeeth Drove is now clear. The Tanker is still being discharged into the pit in Lime Kiln Road - the Chairman agreed to contact the owner and check if it is sewage, which is being dumped. It was agreed that if this is the ease unless it is stopped immediately the Environmental Health Officer is to be informed.

* Mr. Manley confirmed that with regard to low cost housing in the Village a house to house survey must be carried out in the Parish and/or surrounding Villages to ascertain a need. If houses were then built the Parish Council would be permitted a limited 'say' regarding tenants. Melissa Adcock of the N.R.C.C. is to be invited to the next meeting to discuss the matter further.

* The Allotment signs are now to hand and are going to be erected forthwith. N.C.C. are aware of the state of Station Road and the matter is being looked into by them.

Planning: None


It was proposed by R Wood and seconded by G. Cann that a precept of £1500.00 be set for the year 2003/2004 - unanimously agreed.


* N.R.C.C. £12.50

* T.B. Bonnett £33.37

Proposed P. Wood, seconded T. Manley pass for payment.


* W.N.B.C. - Our Community Matters: Signpost, E. Contracting Lighting maintenance and Bus Timetable - all noted.

Any Other Business:

* Flooding in Hilgay road - the water main is so close to the dyke edge that the dyke cannot be cleaned out to let the water away - N.C.C. Technician is endeavouring to find a solution.

* Rubbish is still tipped in Lime Kiln Road near the pits - Mr. Manley agreed to contact W.N.B.Council.

* Dog walkers are walking on the cropped Allotments. The gate near to the bungalow is to be closed and chained with a padlock - allotment holders are to be notified of this decision and reason and also to he offered a key. A request for the footpath at the rear of the Chequers is to be reinstated to give dog walkers somewhere to exercise their dogs.

* Vandals have emptied the Notice Board, endeavoured to break the guard around the Millennium Beech tree and have removed the tree support - the chairman agreed to inspect these matters.

The meeting closed at 8.40p.m.

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