River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

March 2003

Minutes of the February 2002 meeting

29 members and two visitors attended the February meeting.

Mrs. Armsby announced the sudden death of Karen Godfrey, one of our members, and a minute's silence was held before the meeting started.

Members were reminded that subscriptions were due.

Our speaker for the evening was Mr. Roger Warner who gave us a very interesting talk about the Ukraine and how he became interested in the country after a Ukrainian working on the land lived in a caravan on his caravan site. His name was Ivan and Mr Warner became very friendly with him. When Ivan returned to the Ukraine he still kept in contact with Mr. Warner. It was when Mr. Warner went on a visit to the Ukraine that he saw how deprived the people were and that is when he decided to try to help them. So, with the help of Ivan, he started to collect clothes, toys & money and Mr. Warner has now made a few trips to the Ukraine to deliver his collections. On his last trip he had asked Ivan to select a family from the village where he lived which he thought would need the most help and with the money collected they went out and clothed the family.

Mrs J Burns gave a vote of thanks. A collection was made during the evening which resulted in about £100 being given to Mr. Warner for him to provide more help to the village.

Birthday posies were made and presented by Mrs. B Preecey. Raffle winners were Mrs C Thurlbourne and Mrs S Porter

The next meeting will be held on 5th March at 7.30 pm: Pearly Queens - Sheila James.

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