River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Wereham Parish Council

March 2003

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th November 2002

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th November 2002 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: G. Clere, D. Pickson, P. Markwell, Mrs. Willis, T. Manley: Borough Councillor and 2 members of the public. In the absence of both Chairman and vice-chairperson the members present elected G. Clere to Chair the meeting.

Apologies: G Gott and Mrs. Koopowitz

Minutes: P. Markwell proposed and D. Pickston seconded that the minutes of the September meeting be signed as correct record.

Matters Arising:

* The manhole covers along the A134 still need attention.

* The Church wall has now been repaired.

* Some drainage work has been carried out in School Lane to alleviate the water problems but further works hopefully will be carried out at a later date.

* The fish are still to be removed from the Pond.

* P. Markwell volunteered to be co-opted onto the Village Hall Committee to fill the vacancy caused by H. Smith's resignation.

* The grass near the Village Hall appears to be cut less often than the rest.

* Planning Application: W.M.J. Property Development Ltd. Construction of 7 dwellings in Chariton House grounds amended. Recommend refusal on the grounds of inappropriate site, multiple accesses onto existing busy road, felling of trees.


* Petty Cash £40.64

* R.B.L. Poppy Appeal £16.75

* District Audit £190.35

* Eastern Contracting £102.88

* C.G.M. Ltd. £655.98

* K.B. Woolston £70.00

* Cornhill Ins. PLC £161.56

* Clerk's part year salary and expenses £450. 00

* It was unanimously agreed these accounts be passed for payment.


* Norfolk Matters; Citizens Advice Bureau; N.R.C.C. Signpost; Norfolk Link; N.R.C.C. Affordable Houses; W.N.B.C. Combined Parish & Borough Council Elections - Postal Pilot Scheme - all noted.

* W.N.B.C. Mr. Holdsworth wrote suggesting Mr. Humphries would undertake the task of Tree Warden for the Parish - the matter has been noted.

* C.G.M. Ltd sent a quotation for grass cutting for the next three years, the clerk is to try and obtain two further quotations before any decision is taken.

Information Commissioner - Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Mr. Clere is going to study the document and volunteered to try and obtain a simplified version.

Any Other Business:

* Complaints have been received about overgrown hedges in Cavenham Road and Flegg Green.

* A light has fused near Crown Gardens and No-Where Lane is now in a very bad state and needs attention.

* An Inspector needs to be appointed for the Play Equipment who must keeps records of regular inspections, faults found, dates and arrangements for any repairs etc.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.

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