Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

May 2003

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 20th January 2003

1. Those attending: Mr A White, (Chairman) Mr L. Bonnett, Mr G Patterson, Mr R Ward, Mrs M Leaman, Mr M Mann, Mr C Stocking, Mr T Manley, Mrs V Negus, (Clerk) 3 members of the public

2. Apologies for absence were received from Mrs P Lewis and Mr M Mycock,

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Adopted with the amendment to item 5. Mr Paterson had proposed adoption of minutes. Mr Mann proposed that the amended minutes be adopted. Seconded by Mr Stocking.

4. Matters Arising:

a) The manhole cover in Buckenham Drive had still not been replaced. The clerk pointed out that no department would take responsibility for the replacement. Mr Manley agreed to investigate further.

b) Missing Boughton Road sign was reported but will take 12 to 14 weeks to replace

c) Planning issue regarding Great Mans Way still required clarification from Planning control

d) Mr White confirmed that the signs and spikes on the wall at Favor Parker need planning permission. Clerk to contact Planning Control.

e) Amended burial fees were agreed.

f) It was agreed that the provision of dog waste bins would prove too costly.

g) Favor Parker Liaison meeting would remain as a morning meeting. Mr White and Mr Patterson will attend.

h) White lines at the exit to Favor Parker on Buckenham Drive could not be provided by Highways Department. This item will be raised at the May liaison meeting.

i) The footpath at Oak Road has not yet been adopted by the NCC Highways but this will be dealt with between NCC Highways and the developer.

j) All highway items had been reported and logged. It was established that the depth of kerb at Buckenham Drive was considered satisfactory by Highways but it was agreed that the clerk should reiterate the Council's concern particularly for elderly residents.

5. Planning

* The Hunny Pot - approved by Borough Council.

* Oxborough Wood - permission granted by NCC to vary conditions.

* Wynbury, Bridge Road - refused by Parish Council.

* High Ash, Little Lane - refused by Parish Council.

* Hope Cottage, Oxborough Road - agreed by Parish Council.

* Acacia Waste, Landfill Site - Mr White declared an interest - Previously circulated to Parish Councillors - no objection.

6. Accounts

Accounts for the year ended March 2002 had been returned by external auditors with no amendments required.

7. Correspondence

a) Copy of letter from Mrs McGregor to Highway Engineer with reply - contents noted

b) Country Grounds Maintenance - expressing concern at the new cemetery area only being scheduled for 10 cuts per year. The condition of the area would be monitored and rescheduled if it is felt necessary. Clerk to inform Country Grounds Maintenance. The new hedging will be started during the forthcoming week.

c) Proposal for alternative insurance in conjunction with the NCAPTC. Clerk to ask for a quote using existing insurance criteria.

8. Other Business

The following items were reported by Councillors for attention:

* School sign had fallen on to the adjacent property in High Street.

* Cars parked on Bridge Road outside the 30mph limit with no lights.

* Area around the fire hydrant on the area leading to Buckenham Drive.

* 2 bolts remain from a removed seat. Mr Stocking will remove bolts.

* Holes in the pavement outside the Bluebell Inn.

* Fallen wall in Furlong Road.

* Holes in the plastic in the bus shelter.

Mr Mann asked if any progress was being made on the Dukes Head. Clerk to write to Favor Parker and the Borough Council for a progress report and to request the area to be tidied in the meantime.

Mr Stocking reported that the Bluebell Inn had expressed an interest in having recycling bins. Clerk to contact the Borough Council for information.

Other business from members of the public:

* Apologies for absence were given on behalf of PC Smith, and a report was given on the progress being made at the Youth Club. Mr Randall stressed that they were trying to get the young people to take responsibility for their village and asked the Parish Council if they would consider any community projects which they felt the Youth Club could be involved in. Mr Randall also reported that it was hoped to increase the number of nights for Youth Club. Mr White felt this was positive action and asked the Councillors to put forward any projects in the future.

* Cracked manhole cover in Wretton Road reported

* A member of the public expressed concern at the speed of traffic past the school. After a brief discussion it was agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

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