Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council

June 2003

Minutes of the annual meeting held on 8th May 2003

Minutes of the West Dereham Annual Parish Council meeting held on Thursday, 8th May 2003 following the Parish Meeting in the Village Hall.

1. Present:

E. Drew, P. Wood, Miss Richardson, B. Glover, Mrs. Berry, M. Grief, T. Manley together with 8 members of the public.

2. Apologies:

P.C. Bell and Mrs. Moir: Borough Councillor. Mr. Drew thanked the members of the Council for their help and co-operation during the past year and retired from the Chair.

3. Election of Chairman:

The clerk asked for nominations and T. Manley proposed and B.Glover seconded that Mr. Drew be chairman - there being no other nominations he was duly elected and took the Chair.

4. Election of Vice Chairman:

T. Manley was proposed by B. Glover and seconded by P.Wood - there being no other nominations he was duly elected.

5. Minutes:

The April 2003 minutes were proposed and seconded as a correct record and duly signed.

6. Matters Arising:

The footpath sign near the Village Hall is to be retrieved and erected by P. Wood. Some tyres have been removed from the gateway to the old Lime pits in Lime Kiln Road but there are some in the pit in the field which belongs to the County Council who are to be asked to remove same.

7. Planning:

Wereham Gravel Co. Ltd do B.S.C. Ltd. Phase two of filling Anzac Pit with inert material - proposed recommend approval.

8. Payments:

Cornhill Insurance plc. £289.07 - proposed P. Wood seconded M. Grief pass for payment.

9. Adoption of Accounts.

Proposed by P. Wood and seconded by Mrs. Berry - the accounts be accepted as presented.

Appointment of R.F.O. - Proposed T. Manley and seconded by Miss Richardson - the Clerk to be appointed.

10. Review of Burial Fees.

To be reviewed at the next ordinary Parish Council Meeting.

11. Insurance:

It was agreed that all which needs to be insured is and it was agreed that the values were correct.

12. Correspondence:

N.C.C. Street Lighting: W.N.B.C. Local Authorities Members Allowance - both noted. N.C.C. Local Access Forum for Norfolk - Miss Richardson volunteered to attend.

13. Any Other Business:

A Notice advertising the vacant Allotments is to be posted in the Notice Board. Potholes were reported in Hilgay Road and in West Dereham Road between Abbey Farm and the old School; also a request was made for a white line to be painted on the White Horse corner - Chairman agreed to contact N.C.C. with regards to these three items. A question was asked when and if West Dereham is likely to be sewered? It was reported that the Old School is now looking very derelict and is becoming dangerous. The Clerk was instructed to chase the promised footpath maps.

The meeting closed at 8.40p.m.

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