River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

July 2003

Minutes from the May meeting

31 people attended the May meeting. Claire took the Chair as Doris was in hospital recovering after an operation. A card was circulated for everyone to sign, wishing her a speedy recovery.

A Thank-you letter had been received from the Meningitis Trust for the cheque.

Our speaker for the evening was Mrs. Sparkes who gave us a very interesting and humorous talk about a "Cow's Body". She explained that she had always liked cows and, when she married, she and her husband had the opportunity to buy a farm and some land. She had several different breeds of cow, including Dexler, Summental, Red Pole and Murray Grey. She also keeps sheep and, lately, some donkeys.

Mrs. B. English gave a vote of thanks.

Birthday posies were made by Mrs. C Nye; raffle winners were Mrs. J Giles and Mrs. J Burns.

The next meeting on 4th June would include a talk on neckties by Mr Osbourne.

June Meeting

23 members attended the June meeting with apologies received from a further seven members.

Claire again took the Chair as Doris, although now out of hospital, was still unable to attend. Doris sent a thank you note for the card and floral display.

Our speaker for the evening was Mr. A. Osbourne who gave us a talk on neckties. Apparently, a person who collects neckties is known as a Cravatologist! We were also surprised to learn that the necktie is 120 years old; schools being the first to wear them.

We heard that 29 million ties are sold every year and the UK exports £100 million worth of ties. Mr. Osbourne brought along a collection of his own ties ranging from School Ties to personal ties from Prince Philip and Jackie Stewart.

Mrs. J Burns gave the vote of thanks to Mr. Osbourne.

Birthday posies were made by Mrs. J McLaine and raffle prizes were won by Mrs. C Lankfer and Mrs. D Eves.

The next meeting will be held on 2nd July at 7.00pm when we will have a Barbecue at Mrs. Y Self's house.

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