River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Apple & Fig Crumble

January 2004

A mouthwatering recipe for the Pump readers to try.

Apple and Fig Crumble

Serves 3 or 4



50-g/2 oz wholewheat flour

40-g/1 1/2 oz porridge oats

15-g/ 1/2 oz desiccated cocoanut

50-g/2 oz melted butter, or 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Several drops of vanilla essence



125-g/4 oz figs, chopped

150-ml/ 1/4-pint water

225-g/8 oz cooking apples, peeled, cored and sliced


1. Pre-heat oven to moderately hot; Gas 5, 375 degreesF, 190 degreesC

2. Mix crumble ingredients well together

3. Put figs in a pan with water and simmer for 5 minutes

4. Mix apple and figs in an oven dish and pour over remaining fig juice

5. Sprinkle crumble on top and bake near top of oven for 25 to 30 minutes

Ray Thompson

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