War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Forget-Me-Not Club

January 2004

The Chairman reports on an excellent year for the Club

Dear All,

Once again we are almost through another year and what a year? Outings, speakers, games, lunches, you name it.

From November 19th, when we all went to Peterborough for the day, there has been a lot going on. We had Reg Rose on the organ on 3rd December with mince pies, sausage rolls and sherry. Presents were exchanged and a good time was had by all.

9th December we went to Northwold club to listen to Peter Mendham, Area Co-Ordinator of the East Anglian Air Ambulance. It was an extremely informative description of the service from the time it was launched in January 2001 to the present day. An amount of £60,000 or so is needed every month to keep the Air Ambulance flying!

On 10th December we had our Christmas lunch at Timbers. Mike and all the staff were extremely helpful to all concerned and the meal was excellent. Reg Rose again played the organ for us.

16th December we were off to Northwold again for their Christmas party with mince pies, sherry etc and once again, Reg Rose on the organ.

The Stoke Ferry Forget-me-not club are off to see Aladdin on 7th January 2004 at the Princess Theatre in Hunstanton.

Our first meeting of the New Year will be on 14th January 2004 when we will hold our AGM

May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Joyce Hull


Stoke Ferry Forget-Me-Not Club

Jean lamb

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