War Memorial Gary Trouton

Thank You Fromthe East Anglian Air Ambulance

January 2004

A letter of thanks to the Village Pump for their generous donation

Lower 2a Camberley Road




Telephone: 01603 479265

4th December 2003

Mr Ray Thompson

Editor - The Village Pump


Oxborough Road

Stoke Ferry

King's Lynn

Norfolk PE33 9SY

Dear Mr Thompson,

East Anglian Air Ambulance Appeal

Sarah Smithurst of the NHS Ambulance Trust has passed me your letter of the 25th November and cheque for £331 .51. We understand this donation is the result of money raised in excess sponsorship of colour printing of the cover of the 25th Anniversary edition of The Village Pump and is given as a contribution to the East Anglian Air Ambulance Appeal.

Our receipt no. 5238 for this amount is attached for your records.

As a result of the generosity of the public and through a contribution from the Department of Health on a short-term basis we are flying seven days a week. We are optimistic that the donations from various fundraising initiatives will continue to increase over the coming months, enabling us to continue to operate a full service over East Anglia and your donation will be go towards ensuring that Anglia One is always available in an emergency.

Congratulations to The Village Pump on reaching 25years of age! Please pass our thanks to everyone involved who made this donation possible. It is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Jill Footer


Trustees Michael Falcon C8E 01 Richard King CBE David Barker MBE Andrew Egerten-Smith

Registered Charity No. 1083876

Registered Office C/o Mills & Reeve I St James Court Whitefriars, Norwich NR3 IRLJ



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