River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Answers to the Wild Flower Quiz!

February 2004

The results of another tough challenge set by Ray


So, did you find it a challenge? How many did you get right? Here are the answers to RG's tough quiz!


1 Prize for a winning goat (9) Buttercup 26 Curl on the bottom of the dress (7)Hemlock

2 Bog With A Rubber Glove (5,8)Marsh Marigold 27 Made by the bees and babies do it (11)Honeysuckle

3 H2O and salad or garnish (5,5,)Water cress 28 Grazing land, how nice (6,5)Meadow sweet

4 Embarrassed winner without aspirations (3,7) Red Campion 29 Pincher in the sea, and pinched in the orchard (4,5) Crab Apple

5 Timber horse (4,6)Wood Sorrel 30 Wat's the value of old cloth? Enry's ardly opeful (7) Ragwort

6 Sweep the floor with this (5) Broom 31 Foppish feline (9) Dandelion

7 French five go before the sword (10)Cinquefoil 32 A prickly one for the mother pig (3,7)Sow Thistle

8 Canine got up (3,4) Dog Rose 33 Prudish flower (8) Primrose

9 Could this be Columbo's wife? (9)Columbine 34 They seek him here, they seek him there (7,9) Scarlet Pimpernel

10 This could make you blue (4) Woad 35 Sugary beer, it's about (11)Bittersweet

11 Ovine minder's money bag (9,5)Shepherd's Purse 36 It keeps Renard's hand warm (8) Foxglove

12 Observe a firework (3,6) Sea Rocket 37 Economical plant (6) Thrift

13 The French between fog and the foot digit (9) Mistletoe 38 Bovine upset (7)Cowslip

14 She clings (3) Ivy 39 This lady's found on the moors and hills (7) Heather

15 Angry With The Afternoon Meals And The Spanish (4,6) Wild Teasel 40 Fatal with the darkness (6,10)Deadly Nightshade

16 What Goes In The Woman's Mattress (5,8) Lady's Bedstraw 41 Used for the last post (5)Bugle

17 Give me your answer do.... (5)Daisy 42 Sad ringer (8)Bluebell

18 ....and with the cow's looker (2,3,5)Ox Eye Daisy 43 Savage dance (4,3)Wild Hop

19 This one could turn nasty (5)Tansy 44 Clock this bird with its glass of ale (6,4) Cuckoo Pint

20 Take a broomhead with you on a walk (7) Bramble 45 Coffee? That's a bit camp (7)Chicory

21 Embarrassed with a hundred endless lovers (3,6) Red Clover 46 Young horses third of a yard (9)Coltsfoot

22 Product of harvest with a small boat (4,6) Corn Cockle 47 The face with the brewer's liquid (7)Mugwort

23 Tattered redbreast (6,5)Ragged Robin 48 To auction after the land is the answer (9) Groundsel

24 Remembrance flower (5) Poppy 49 Ego comes before the cure (8)Selfheal

25 Pig went to the loo (3,4) Hog Weed 50 Salesman's pleasure (10.3)Traveller's Joy

Ray Garrett

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