War Memorial Gary Trouton

Favor Parker Village L:iaison Committee

February 2004

Minutes of the latest Village Liaison Committee

Feeds Division (Southern Region)

Stoke Ferry


Thursday 11th December 2003

Present: Mr Dave Robson (Principal Environmental Health Officer, King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council)

Mr Roy Cooper (Assistant Production Manager, Grampian Country Foods)

Mr Brian Harrison (Parish Council Representative)

Mrs Pat Holton (Village Representative)

Mr Alastair Inskip (Health and Safety Manager, Grampian Country Foods)

Mr Trevor Manley (Borough Councillor for Wissey Ward, King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council)

Mr Gerard Rosser (Village Representative)

Mr Ray Thompson (Editor, The Village Pump)

1 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Mr Bannon and Mr Mann.

2 Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed to be an accurate record of the proceedings.

Mrs Holton noted that Mr Mann had not attended recent meetings. Other members of the meeting asked if senior managers in the head office of Grampian were aware of complaints raised by the village. Mr Inskip said that complaints were reported within the company, Mr Mann has unfortunately not been able to attend recent meetings due to other commitments. As many meetings as possible will be attended by either Mr Mann as General Manager for feed mills in the Southern Region, or Mr Smith as newly promoted Operations Manager for Southern Region Mills with immediate responsibility for the Stoke Ferry mill and the transport fleet.

Mr Harrison said that there was still grain being spilt on the road and provided photographs. The presence of the grain attracts pigeons.

The frequency of the street sweeper was confirmed as fortnightly.

Closer control on delivery vehicles sweeping down after discharging, sheeting and closing grain hatches will be implemented.

It was noted that the graffiti was still present on the Dukes Head, the company to arrange for this to be painted over.

Mr Holton noted that the green gates were being closed more often.

3 Complaints received since the last meeting

Mr Inskip reported on complaints and comments received by the company since the last meeting:

17th Sept A driver was reported using a mobile phone whilst turning into the High Street from Furlong Road. The driver was disciplined accordingly. A smell was reported from the mill that morning, and there was a report of dust escaping from the conveyors over the silos.

Mr Harrison said that there was dust accumulated on top of the silos and provided photographs. Mr Rosser suggested that if the conveyors were clad this would reduce both the dust and the noise.

Mr Cooper said that access will be arranged and the silos cleaned. Cladding of the silo conveyors will taken under consideration.

not dated A smell during the night was reported. It was described as "cooked dog meat", "rank vegetation" and "chemical/ozone".

13th Oct A smell was reported as noticeable the previous week by the factory

Both these complaints were received at about the same date. No definite cause for the smells was identified, the clean air units were inspected and found to be working satisfactorily.

22nd Oct Heavy dust was reported deposited on a car parked for three weeks. The deposits were examined in situ and a sticky film with dark particles was present.

Mr Robson reported two complaints passed to his office:

Noise relating to tanker deliveries.

Sunday working.

Mr Inskip and Mr Cooper reported that some Sundays had been worked due to breakdowns. Some Sunday working would take place either side of Christmas so that the factory could be closed over the holiday.

Mr Robson asked the company to come back to the meeting with a commitment on Sunday working conditions.

Mr Rosser said it was his observation that contractor vehicle were running between the Mill and Furlong on most Sundays. Mr Cooper said that this should not be the case, and he would check the records.

4 Noise

Mr Rosser asked if it was possible to schedule tanker deliveries to take place during office hours. Mr Inskip said that he would ask the Scheduler what could be done.

Mr Rosser suggested that a "squeaky noise man" could be nominated on a Sunday evening to detect the squeaks and rattles from equipment when the mill was started up.

5 Transport

Mr Rosser said that it was his observation that problems with drivers related to those of contractor vehicles rather than Grampian vehicles. Lorries frequently approached the junction by the Post Office and were seen to lock their wheels.

6 Odour, dust and particulates

Mr Rosser and Mr Thompson noted a "fishy" smell by the Post Office between 1:15 and 2pm that afternoon.

Mrs Holton said that she thought the smell from the factory was less constant than previously.

Mr Robson said that issued raised regarding dust and the Borough Air Quality review had been forwarded to the report consultant and DEFRA. The next stage of the review commences in April 2004.

Mr Rosser said that dust on contractor vehicles driving through the village was particularly noticeable at weekends.

7 Any other business

Mr Harrison said that reports had been given to the Parish Council of increased rats and vermin in the village. Mr Robson said that free domestic vermin control was again available from the Borough Council, details can be found on the web site.

Mr Rosser said that the cladding of the mill was becoming discoloured.

Mr Harrison asked if active measures were being made to seek future uses for the Dukes Head. Mr Inskip said that he was not aware of any proposals for future uses.

Mrs Holton commented on the poor condition of Bayfields, and asked the company to state its intent with regard to the upkeep of the building and the street frontage.

8 Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 10th March 2004.

Items for inclusion in the agenda should be sent to Alastair at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

Alastair Inskip

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