War Memorial Gary Trouton

The parish magazine for february

February 2004

The magazine for Stoke Ferry, Whittington and Wretton

The Parishes of St. Andrew, Northwold; All Saints, Wretton with Stoke Ferry;

and Christ Church, Whittington.

For more details contact me, Keith MacLeod at West Barn, Whindrove Farm, West Dereham (07766 766 137) (email: keith.macleod@virgin.net)

Diary for February 2004

25th January (3rd Sunday of Epiphany)

9.30am Benefice Holy Communion

at All Saints

1st February (2nd February - Candlemas)

11.00am All Age Worship at Christ Church

8th February (3rd Sunday before Lent)

9.30am Service of the Word at All Saints

11.00am Matins at St Andrews

15th February (2nd Sunday before Lent)

8.00am Holy Communion at St Andrews

9.30am Holy Communion by Extension

at All Saints

22nd February (Sunday before Lent)

9.30am Benefice Holy Communion

at All Saints

25th February (Ash Wednesday)

7.30pm Holy Communion with Ashing

at St Andrews

29th February (1st Sunday of Lent)

11.00am All Age Worship at All Saints

7th March (2nd Sunday of Lent)

9.30am Service of the Word at Christ Church

11.00am Holy Communion at St Andrews

Sunday School - All Welcome

There is a Sunday School during the main Sunday services at St. Andrew's Church, Northwold (except for Sunday's with All Age Worship). This is open to any school age child living in the villages of Northwold, Wretton, Stoke Ferry, Whittington and Brookville. If you are not able to stay with your child please drop them off by 10.50 and collect them by 12.15.

Rotas for Church cleaning and flowers

February Christ Church: Mrs D Eves & Penny All Saints': Mrs E Russell & Mrs P Willis

March Christ Church: Mrs N Achurch & Mrs J Allen All Saints': Mrs E Russell & Mrs P Willis


Matthew Ch 6 v 9 "Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Two Celtic stories about Treasure.

Paddy grew the finest gooseberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants in the whole country. He had three fields of fruit bushes, and every day he walked round the bushes with a hoe, taking out the weeds which were growing. So the bushes had all the goodness of the soil to themselves. By the middle of each summer they were heavy with large, juicy fruit.

But sadly, Paddy was not as good at raising children as he was at raising fruit. His two sons were known as the laziest young men in the country. They spent all day drinking, eating and chatting with friends; they never lifted a finger to help their father. As the years passed, Paddy became increasingly anxious about his sons' laziness.

"When I am dead and gone," he would say to his neighbours, "all my fruit bushes will become overgrown with weeds, and my sons will starve."

Living a short distance from the village in a small cave lived a hermit, renowned for his wily wisdom. Finally, Paddy decided to visit the hermit, to ask for his advice. After he had heard Paddy's story, the hermit sat for a few moments in silence, stroking his long, white beard. At last, the hermit rose up, patted Paddy on the shoulder, and assured him that he would teach the two lazy sons to work. Then the hermit left his hut, and went to see the two young men.

"I have something very important to tell you," he said to them. "I happen to know that in those fields of fruit bushes there is a great treasure. It will be enough to feed and clothe you for the rest of your lives."

It was now September. From then until Christmas the two sons went out into the fields each day in search of the treasure. They dug round every fruit bush, turning over the earth, in the hope of finding a casket full of gold. But by Christmas Eve they had found nothing. So they went to the hermit, and accused him of deceiving them.

"I haven't deceived you," the hermit replied with a grin. "You must keep searching. I promise that by next September you will have found the treasure."

The sons refused to believe the hermit.

"Very well, then," the hermit continued; "I will make a bargain with you. If by September you have not found enough treasure to buy food and clothing for you for the rest of your lives, I will share of whatever I receive with you. But if you do find treasure, you must share it with the poor in this village."

The brothers agreed. So they continued to dig the fields, turning over the earth between the fruit bushes. Paddy watched with great satisfaction, pleased that while his sons searched for treasure, no weeds would grow. Thus by the middle of summer the bushes were again heavy with large and juicy fruit. The hermit came to the fields to see the two sons.

"Ah," he exclaimed, looking at the fruit bushes. "I see you have found the treasure."

At first the two sons could not think what he meant. Then it dawned on them. Over the next few weeks the hermit helped them to pick the treasure. Half they sold in the market; the other half they gave to the poor.

And from then on the two brothers continued to work hard in the fields. Each year they again sold half the crop, and gave away the rest. And, as the hermit had prophesied, the money they got was quite sufficient to feed and clothe them for the rest of their lives.

The richest man in the town had a collection of fabulous jewels, which he kept locked up in a safe. One day the priest called.

"I have heard you have in your safe the most fabulous jewels," the priest said. "Would you allow me to see them?"

"It would be a pleasure," the rich man said. "I haven't looked at them myself for some years, so I will enjoy seeing them."

The rich man opened the safe, and took out the gold box filled with jewels, and then spread them out on a table. Both the priest and the rich man stared at the jewels, awestruck by their beauty. The rich man put the jewels back in the gold box, returned the gold box to the safe, and locked the safe door.

"Thank you giving me those jewels," the priest said.

"But I haven't given them to you," the rich man indignantly replied. "They belong to me."

"I have had as much pleasure as you from looking at the jewels," the priest replied. "So there is no difference between us, except that you have the expense and anxiety of buying them and looking after them."

That day the rich man gave away one jewel to every household in the town. There was just enough - with one left over for himself.

May you find your treasure, may your heart be there also and may it be in Heaven.

Keith MacLeod


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