River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Stoke Ferry & District Ladies Group

March 2004

The latest chatter from opur Ladies Group

27 members attended the February meeting.

An invitation had been received from Northwold to attend a Quiz Night on 16th March at 7.30pm. Two teams to attend.

Our speaker for the evening, Hilary Webster gave a very interesting talk about diet and exercise, as we get older. She showed us some exercises for people that were not very mobile with different weights of Dumb Bell and wristbands. She also demonstrated some simple exercises to keep our bodies supple. She was thanked by Mrs. S Amies.

Members were reminded that in March we would have a Bring and Buy Sale.

Birthday posies were made by Mrs. Y Keenan; raffle winners were Mrs. Vigrass and Mrs. A McBride.

The next meeting will be held on 3rd march at 7.30pm when our speaker will be Gilly Lewis - "Telling Tales".

Joyce Hull

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