War Memorial Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish Council Minutes

March 2004

Monthly minutes of the Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Wereham Parish Council

held on Tuesday 13th January 2004

in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.

Present: R. Lankfer - Chairman, Mrs. Willis, C. Humphries, G. Clere, D. Pickston, P.Markwell, T. Manley - Borough Councillor together with 2 members of the public.

Apologies: G. Gott

Minutes: It was proposed by G. Clere & seconded by D. Pickston that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2003 be signed as a correct record.

Matters Arising: G. Clere confirmed that at present we do not require to have a Web site. D. Pickston confirmed that having contacted the person responsible for the Car Scheme project he is still awaiting a reply but Mr. Manley informed the meeting that Susan Saxby (Organiser) feels that a joint scheme with other Villages locally would be beneficial. D. Pickston is going to try and contact Susan Saxby again. Charlton House owners have cleared the footpath as requested. Two quotes have been received for the work required at the Cemetery and Mrs. Willis proposed and D. Pickston seconded that the one from K Plant Ltd at Stoke Ferry be accepted. The Sounding Alley path needs attention - clerk to contact the Contractor.

Methwold High School: Mr. Baddock gave a short explanation of what Specialist School Status would mean to this area. Central Government favour Urban Schools and this combined with the lack of big businesses in this area makes raising £50000.00 a very difficult task. The improved Status for the School would benefit the children in this area enormously as Methwold is joining with other local High Schools i.e. Downham, Swaffham and Thetford who all have achieved Specialist Status in different subjects and therefore will be each utilising the Staff and facilities at each other's Schools. A letter of support is to be sent to the School and a discussion will take place at the next meeting regarding a donation towards the funds.

Planning: Mr. & Mrs Jackson, 19 Crown Gardens -2 storey and single storey extensions and erection of boundary fence - proposed G. Clere, seconded P. Markwell recommend approval.

Precept: Proposed G. Clere and seconded D. Pickston that a request be made for £3010. 00 - unanimously agreed.

Payments: Southery I.D.B. £27.32, Petty cash £51.01, Clerk's annual salary £747.50

- proposed P. Markwell seconded C. Humphries - pass for payment.

Correspondence: A letter has been received confirming that the whole of the Cemetery has been consecrated. Powergen is now our electricity supplier not TXU Energi. N.C.C. (Gritting Routes: Norfolk Link - all noted. W.N.B.C. Litter Bins - locations and types - clerk to complete form and return. N.C.C. Speed Management - a letter has been received confirming that Flashing Speed Signs could be installed in the Village and the cost would be £5000.00 but because of the accidents along Stoke Road a contribution of £3500.00 could well be made by the County Council. Upon confirmation of this fact the clerk was instructed to put the matter in hand. N.C.C. have confirmed that Crown Gardens is a public Highway but clarification is to be sought regarding the gravel path from the brickweave area to the A l34.

Any Other Business: The clerk is to write to Geoff Hobbs and request that their lorry drivers travel through the Village at the legal speed and not at speed unlimited. A letter is to be sent to Favor Parker Limited regarding an artic lorry which is turning at the junction of the Council Houses and Queens Close and causing damage to the tarmac. There is a large pothole in Back Lane which needs attention. A dog owner is cleaning their dog's mess into polythene bags in Row Lane and then throwing the bags into the Cemetery hedge - it would be much appreciated if this could stop please.

Mr. Pickston handed everyone present paper work relating to the Campaign for the Local Sustainability Bill which is a private members Bill going through Parliament.

The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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