River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Words of the famous -Media and Films

March 2004

Some light relief!

All they ever did for me at MGM was to change my leading men and the water in the pool!

Esther Williams

Normally in a movie I'm in love with truth, Richard Burton or a camel.

Peter O'Toole

I was promised the tallest, darkest leading man in Hollywood and I got him - King Kong!

Fay Wray

I knew Dolly Parton when she was wearing a trainer bra.

George Burns

If I've still got my pants on in the second scene, I think they've sent me the wrong script

Mel Gibson

I am too short to play Oscar Wilde - except on radio, the last refuge of the physically disqualified

Simon Callow

I am the Ukrainian Cary Grant.

Walter Matthau

Elizabeth Taylor has an unlisted dress size!

Joan Rivers

Ray Thompson

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