West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council held on Thursday 12th February 2004 in the Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.

April 2004

West Dereham Parish Council Minutes

Present: E. Drew - Chairman, Mrs. Berry, M. Grief, B. Glover, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Moir, Borough Councillor together with 3 members of the public.

Apologies: Miss Richardson

Minutes: It was agreed that the minutes of the January meeting be signed as a correct record.

Matters Arising: The Litter Bin for St. Andrews Close has been collected by the Chairman who has agreed to have same erected and fixed on a post. The Mole catcher is unwell at present but will be contacted again as soon as he is fit. The footpath from the Village Hall to the Community Centre needs the edges cut back as it is getting very narrow and a hole has appeared in the surface of the bridge over the culvert near the Community Centre and the area around the 'Phone' and Post Boxes needs tidying. The Chairman caught members of the public about to tip some old tyres in the Lime Kiln pit!

Planning: A.M. White - Excavation of gault clay at Manor Farm Crimplesham -recommend approval.

Planning Decision: Mr. P. Maclean - Conversion of former school to dwelling - approved.

Payments: Thos. B. Bonnett £107.03: B. Hawkins £58.75 proposed B. Glover and seconded by M. Grief pass for payment.

Allotment area Footpath: A letter received from the Secretary of West Dereham Pathways and Amenities Group who wrote and confirmed they were pleased with the new footpath. After a discussion it was agreed that a gate swinging both ways should be erected at the east end of the footpath. It was agreed that the clerk contact the County Council and request that the footpath be dedicated as a Public Right of Way - proposed by Mrs. Fisher and seconded by M. Grief.

Correspondence: Methwold High School wrote and thanked the Council for the donation towards their Specialist School application. W.N.B.C. - Parish Council and Development Control leaflet: Audit Commission : ref Council Tax: Signpost: W.N.B.C. - Dust bin day will be Tuesday in the Parish: W.N.B.C. Wind Turbine Development all noted. W.N.B.C. Parish Review new boundary - clerk to contact the Borough Council and request a clearer map as it is almost impossible to define where the Parrish boundary really is. A letter was received from R. Pigott requesting the completion of the footpath at the White Horse corner and white lines on the corner - Chairman agreed to contact the County Council. A letter was received from Mr. & Mrs Clark requesting a footpath along Station Road - after a discussion it was agreed that the clerk contact the Authority in an effort to get Station Road upgraded and a possible road from the bottom of Station Road along the line of the old railway direct onto the new road to B.S.C.

Any other Business: A question of the care and maintenance of the grass area outside the old Blacksmiths was raised and it was agreed that the Parish Council will again endeavour to ascertain ownership of this area.

The meeting closed at 9.05p.m.

Parish Clerk

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