Stoke Ferry Methodist Newsletter
April 2004
Noted from the Stoke Ferry methodist Minister
Stoke Ferry Methodist Chapel
Revd Andrew Sankey Revd Matt Finch
01366 383231 01353 667568
Mr & Mrs R Stevens 01366 502218 or
Mr and Mrs Armsby 01366 500435
April 4th 11.00 Mr Taylor
April 9th 11.00 Walk of Witness- Mr T Coleman
April 11th 3.00 Revd A Sankey
April 18th 11.00 Mr Button
April 25th 11.00 Revd M Finch
Dear Friends,
I have just heard the weather forecaster saying that this week is winters final fling and spring will soon be on its way. "Finally", I say because I love Spring and all the new life which comes with it. I am sure that you, like me, have wandered round the garden, studied the new buds, spotted a new shoot peeping through the soil or been amazed by a flower only just in bloom. Nature's display seems to change hour by hour. Not matter how many years you have watched spring push back winter it is always an exciting time. It must have something to do with new life being so encouraging, it brings deep hope, we see there is life where there was none! Despite the cold and the dark, all along there has been the potential for something to happen. What a miracle!
The Easter story is exciting like this for Christian, there is Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, when Jesus was betrayed and crucified, where all seemed lost, the disciples were shell shocked and scared. But then unexpectedly comes Easter Sunday, pushing aside the despair of what went before. There is rejoicing because in the resurrected Christ there is new life! Easter is not simply about chocolate eggs and bunnies, it is the most amazing event ever to hit humanity.
With the Easter story comes the challenge not only to be thankful but also to seize the life which God gives us. Indeed, Jesus once said to a crowd, "I have come that you might have life in all its fullness". So often life can just pass us by, we lose vitality or end up forgetting the reason why we do things. The Easter story is the point where God changes the course of history and makes it possible for everybody to have life in its fullness!
People often think that Christian's lead dull boring lives with no excitement merely constricting rules. This could not be further from the truth! I once heard a quote about the Christian life, it goes like this, "It's not pie in the sky when you die, it's steak on your plate while you wait!" As Christians we believe that every day is full of God's blessing and something to be grasped with both hands.
Maybe this Easter, as you reflect upon life and where you find yourself, you might like to join us on a Sunday morning. If you have questions or challenges come and ask one of us at the church. It would be lovely to see you, but if we do not then may you know God's blessing as the life of spring inspires us all.
God Bless,
Matt Finch