West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council

May 2004

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council

Thursday 8th April 2004 in the Village Hall at 8.00p.m.

Present: E. Drew - Chairman, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Cann, B. Glover, M. Grief, Miss Richardson together with 3 members of the public.

Apologies: None

Minutes: The minutes of the March meeting were agreed as a correct record with Mrs Cann requesting that in future all names of businesses and Companies be written in full and a new section be added to the Agenda headed Actions.

Matters Arising: The Litter Bin in St. Andrews Close has been erected and fixed on a concrete post. The Fens Access Notice Board has been fixed and the Footpath Sign will be fixed as agreed in early Summer.

Planning: None

Payments: McAlpine Government Service Limited £10.52 - Public Lighting Maintenance payment. Thomas B. Bonnett £187.85 - Make, supply & fit new Gate to Allotments. Proposed M. Grief, seconded Miss Richardson pass for payment.

Correspondence: Norfolk County Council Dedication of new footpath - nearly completed. Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk - Street Sweeping - request for possible storage area for Sweeper and/or large Wheelie Bin thus preventing the necessity to transport items when Village area is swept - request noted. Norfolk County Council wrote regarding Station Road up-grading and confirmed that they know of no grants or funds which are available and suggest that the possible solution may be for private money to be used, as a project of this nature in this area would be such low priority for the County Council that it may well never happen.

Norfolk Matters: Norfolk Rural Community Council Signpost and Norfolk Link - all noted. Norfolk County Council wrote and confirmed that Mr. S. Ralph is now the Director of Planning and Transportation. Norfolk County Council - Farming and the Public Highway communication - noted.

Any Other Business: Mrs. Cann volunteered to visit Borough Council Offices to get clarification of the boundary of West Dereham. The footpath outside the Hilgay Road cottages is only surfaced in parts and the Chairman agreed to contact the County Council and endeavour to get the whole resurfaced. Tyres have again been dumped in Lime Kiln Road. Footpaths and Bridleways - some are still very overgrown and a footpath appears to have been diverted without permission - Steve Donoclift is to visit and deal with the matters. It was reported that Trevor Jones of the University of East Anglia Mediaeval Studies is interested in the Church and surrounding land and will shortly be in touch with the local land owners. The minutes are to be published in the West Dereham Newsletter as well as the Village Pump.

The meeting closed at 8.55p.m.

Parish Clerk

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