Stoke Ferry Methodist Newsletter
May 2004
Reverend Matt again reminds us of the true meaning of Easter
Stoke Ferry Methodist Church Services
Revd Andrew Sankey Revd Matt Finch
01366 383231 01353 667568
May 2nd 11.00 Mr T Coleman
May 9th 11.00 Mrs H Miles
May 16th 11.00 Mr B Bannister
May 23rd 11.00 Church Fellowship Service
May 30th 11.00 Mrs M Holman
Dear Friends,
We are in a wonderful part of the Christian calendar where we celebrate that after the joy of Easter God did not abandon the world rather He worked a miracle through a group of frightened Galileans in Palestine. It is story that inspires us, as Christians living today, for we see that God can do amazing things with ordinary people!
At Pentecost, which we remember at the end of this month, the church was born and realised for the first time what an unforeseen future God had in store for them. The first disciples had witnessed Jesus' resurrection and ascension into heaven but waited to what was to happen next. On the day of Pentecost they were a group of scared and not especially talented people. However, one morning huddled in a room praying, the most incredible thing happened which was to change their lives forever. It is recorded in the Bible (Acts 2) that the Holy Spirit came upon them and they went out into the streets with boldness proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to all. People were both bemused and astonished at what they heard, because this group of people (who most thought were as thick as two short planks) were speaking in many different languages, word perfect! They had had been transformed by the Holy Spirit and could now carry out God's work on earth. Wherever they went, from then on, they knew God's presence: equipping, comforting, inspiring and releasing them. Through a group of ordinary people much of the world was touched and transformed by God.
So, as we think of Pentecost this month and give thanks for that day many years ago, we remember the Holy Spirit's life giving presence which gave the early church life. We also celebrate, for this same Holy Spirit brings life to the church today and is with Christians wherever they go and in all they do. Every person can know this love, protection, attention and blessing of God. God loves us all, church-goers and nonchurch-goers alike!
Please feel free to join us any time for a service or for our coffee morning. If you would like us to visit you, to help or just to listen please do not hesitate to contact one of the ministers or church members.
God Bless,
Matt Finch