War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

May 2004

Minutes of a meeting of Stoke Ferry Parish Council held in the community centre at 7.30pm on Wednesday 24th March 2004

1. Those attending: Mr M Mycock (Chairman) Mrs M Leaman, Mrs T Mann,

Mr C Stocking, Mr M Evans, Mr M Ferrie, Mr S Randall, Mr A White, Mr T Manley

Mrs V Negus, (Clerk) 5 members of the public

2. Apologies for absence were received from Mr B Harrison, (Vice Chairman)

3. Minutes of the last meeting. Adopted with the amendment of Mr M Dean to Mr M Evans. Proposed by Mr Stocking seconded by Mrs Leaman.

4. Matters Arising

(a) Milestone has been repaired and reinstated

(b) Playing field sign to be installed 4-6 weeks at the expense of the County Council

(c) Planning matters still not satisfactorily resolved. Head of Planning to be contacted. Mr Manley will also endeavour to get planning matters completed.

(d) Closed churchyard - Borough Council have reimbursed the cost for two years maintenance. Mr White asked the clerk to contact the Borough Council to ensure that the new owner maintains the closed churchyard to its current standard.

(e) Fallen wall in Furlong Road - Building Control are again contacting the owner for a progress report

(f) Common Land - Mr Mycock reported that Mr Sanders has decided to make this a deed of gift to the Parish during his lifetime rather than bequeathing it in his will. The matter is in the hands of the solicitors

(g) Parking at the entrance to the playing field - The Borough Council feel it would be difficult to implement parking restrictions but awaiting suggestions from Western Area Highways Office.

5. Liaison Meeting

Clerk read out a report from Mr Harrison

6. Planning

Notices of Decision from Borough Council:

Extension to 5 Wretton Road approved

Residential Caravan land adjacent Willow Cottage refused

Applications considered by Parish Council:

Garage, First Cottage, Oxborough Road - refused. Overall height of the building is out of character

The Old Shop, Oxborough Road - approved

Holiday unit Lavender Cottage, Lynn Road - approved with request for period of let

7. Payments for Approval

James Bradfield School Hall Hire - £22.30

Audit Commission £141.00

Mrs Negus - Expenses to end of February £52.66

Mrs Negus - 1/4 salary to end February £325.00

Payment proposed by Mr White seconded by Mr Stocking

8. Correspondence

Request for donation by Air Ambulance - Agreed £25

Brett & Son Request for approval of monument - approved

Road Safety Committee Agenda - Mr Randall to be informed of future dates

Notice of transfer of licence to Anthony Hook and Lisa Wright for the Bluebell Public House

Leisure and Public Space - Request for occasional overnight base for road sweeper. Playing Field car park to be offered. Support offered by Borough Council with any community clean up. Details to be retained for future use

9. Other Business


Mrs Leaman reported a very overgrown thorn bush next to 35 Buckenham Drive. Clerk to report

Mr Randall asked for progress on highway matters regarding off road parking. Clerk to contact Highways again regarding all outstanding highway matters.

Mrs Mann reported that the Playing Field Committee is trying to get funding to maintain the playing field and asked if the Parish Council could make a contribution. It was felt that whilst it seemed unlikely this year it could be considered in next years budget.

Mr Mycock reported that the new churchyard should be consecrated. Clerk to contact Canon Kightley. Mr Mycock also reported that the land next to the cemetery is in the process of being fenced.

Next meeting which will also be the Annual Parish Meeting was arranged for Wednesday 5th May to begin at 7.15pm

Members of the Public items raised:

Discussion of Borough Council accountability particularly in respect of planning issues. Mr Manley again agreed that he would follow up outstanding items.

Observation that drains had been cleared but roads had not been swept. Road sweeping is scheduled for four times per year the next period being approximately beginning of June.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm

Parish Clerk

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