Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of Annual Wereham Parish Council Meeting

June 2004

The annual meeting records

Minutes of the Annual Wereham Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th May 2004 in the Village Hall following the Parish Meeting.

Present: R. Lankfer - Chairman, G. Gott, Mrs. Willis, C. Humphries together with five members of the public.

Apologies: D. Pickston and G. Clere.

Election of Chairman: The clerk asked for nominations for Chairman. G. Gott proposed and Mrs. Willis seconded that R. Lankfer be Chairman, there were no other nominations and R. Lankfer was prepared to stand and was duly elected Chairman.

Election of Vice Chairman: Mrs. Willis proposed and C. Humphries seconded G. Gott- there being no other nominations G. Gott was duly elected.

Minutes: C. Humphries proposed and Mrs. Willis seconded that the minutes of the March meeting be signed as a correct record.

Matters Arising: The Speed Reactive Warning sign is now working. The Marker Posts outside Autoville Salvage have being replaced and the Toddlers swings have been amended as agreed. The new Village Sign has been collected from Wayland Prison by R. Lankfer and it needs a small amount of paint work by artistic hands. A letter is to be sent to Mrs. Eastgate asking if she would consider carrying out this task. The Sign is then to be erected at the side of the Pond in place of the one which is there and the original one to be repaired if possible.

Planning: Mr. J. Ratsey - conversion of Barn - approved

Mr. S. Plummer - two storey extension 1 Stoke Road - approved.

Payments: Cornhill Insurance £640. 81: W.N.B.C. £97.44: McApine Services Ltd.

£102.88: Village Hall Committee £36.00. Pass for payment as proposed by G. Gott and seconded by C. Humphries - agreed.

Audit Report: The Annual Audit will take place on 27th September 2004.

Adoption of Accounts: G. Gott proposed and C. Humphries seconded that the Accounts be adopted as presented.

Appointment of R.F.O.: It was proposed by G. Gott and seconded by C. Humphries that the Clerk be appointed as the Responsible Financial Officer - agreed.

Review of Burial Fees: After a discussion it was agreed that £5.00 be added to burials of bodies over 12 years old, and to the purchased grave fees and to the interment of cremated Ashes - other fees to remain the same.

Payment of Electricity Account: It was unanimously agreed this be paid by Direct Debit.

Insurance: Everything is adequately covered therefore no change needed.

Correspondence: Norfolk Matters: Norfolk Link: Norfolk Parish Training Partnership:

and Norfolk Waste Partnership - all noted.

Any Other Business: The light outside Orchardleigh is on all day - clerk to deal with this matter. The Memorial Garden is badly in need of strimming. There is a pot hole outside Park House, Stoke Road and the manholes throughout the Village need attention - Mr. Eastgate agreed to deal with these matters. The marker posts opposite Charlton house have again been knocked off. The Climbing shrub on the end of Corner House is just about obscuring the 'No Through Road Sign'. Concern was expressed at the speed vehicles travel along School Lane. Ducks and Drakes on the Pond - there are far too many - the Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Baddock with a view to reducing the numbers. Mr. Beeching volunteered to remove Ivy from the trunks of trees in the Village.

The meeting closed at 8.25p.m.

Parish Clerk

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