War Memorial Gary Trouton

Minutes to Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

July 2004

Minutes of the June Meeting of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

held in the Community Centre

Wednesday 16th June 2004 at 7.30pm

Those attending Mr M. Mycock, Mr A White, Mrs M Leaman, Mr C Stocking,

Mr B Harrison, Mrs T Mann, Mr S Randall, Mr M Ferrie, Mrs V Negus (Clerk) 3 members of the public

Apologies were received from Mr M Evans, Mr T Manley and PC Jackson

Election of Officers

Mr Mycock asked for nominations for the office of chairman

Mr White nominated Mr Mycock who agreed to stand for nomination, seconded by Mr Harrison, there being no further nominations the proposal that Mr Mycock be elected to the post of Chairman was passed unanimously. Mr Mycock took the chair.

Mr Mycock asked for nominations for the office of vice-chairman

Mr Stocking nominated Mr Harrison who agreed to stand for nomination, seconded by Mrs Leaman, there being no further nominations the proposal that Mr Harrison be elected to the post of Vice Chairman was passed unanimously.

Minutes of the previous meeting . Mr Stocking proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Mr White

Matters Arising

(a) Playing Field sign had been re-ordered by Borough Council

(b) Planning Matters - The caravans are now being investigated by Planning Services and clerk will follow up matters regarding Ferry Stores

(c) Wall in Furlong Road had been made safe with timber by the owner and no further action can be taken by Building Control

(d) Buckenham Drive - Mr Randall and Mrs Mann reported on their meeting with NCC Highways and Mr Manley. Clerk to confirm in writing the action agreed with NCC Highways and Mr Manley after concurrence with Mr Randall.


Anglian Water - Land in Wretton Road - clerk to establish the route of the wastewater pumping before the Parish Council can make comment.

Holiday Unit, Lavender Cottage, Lynn Road- approved by Borough Council with conditions

The Old Shop, Oxborough Road - approved by Borough Council

Garage at First Cottage, Oxborough Road - approved by Borough Council

Takeaway Shop, Buckenham Drive - approved by Borough Council

Land adjacent to The Hunny Pot, Furlong Drove - refused by Parish Council

Coachmans Cottage, High Street - approved by Parish Council

Liaison Meeting

Mr Harrison gave a report on the latest meeting

Payments for Approval

Borough Council - Retrospective approval for cemetery planning application £110

James Bradfield School - Hall hire for May and June £22.80

Mrs Negus - 1/4 salary to end of May £325

Mrs Negus - 1/4 expenses to end of May £25.78

Payments proposed by Mr White seconded by Mr Harrison


Oak Road/Border Road Homewatch - following discussion clerk to copy letter to PC Jackson and reply to Mrs Hardy.

Request by Mr Thompson for placement of a plaque in the Garden of Remembrance. This was agreed at the appropriate cost

Plans for Bluebell Pub received from their Solicitors - filed for information. Request to be made to Planning Services if the micro-brewery should have planning consent for change of use.

Communication from PC Smith to remind residents to keep gardening equipment safely stored

Other Business

Matters reported by Councillors:

Poor condition of the pavement on Bridge Road to the roundabout, on Lynn Road and outside Crown House High Street

Overgrown alleyway from Wretton Road to Buckenham Drive

Roots lifting the pavement outside The Hall

Leaking water hydrant at Pineapple Cottage, High Street

Overgrown ivy on the Church wall

Repairs needed to the bus shelter

Poor road surface at the junction of Furlong Drove and A134

Following a long discussion regarding the hazards caused by car parking in the village it was agreed that Mr Harrison would put a request in The Pump to ask residents to park off road whenever possible. PC Jackson to be asked to monitor the situation and advise on the feasibility of double yellow lines.

Mr Ferrie asked if all footpaths were in order. After discussion it was agreed to contact the Rights of Way Officer regarding footpaths 1 and 2

Mr Mycock asked the clerk to press the Council's Solicitors for action regarding the proposed deed of gift by Mr Sanders

The next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 28th July

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm

Parish Clerk

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