River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Village Kitchen

July 2004

More delicious recipes from the Village Kitchen

With the barbeque season now well underway, I thought some unusual recipes for that form of cooking might entice our readers to try something different....

Peach and Nectarine Kebabs with Apricot Fondue



2 peaches

2 nectarines

2 tablespoons sugar-free apricot jam

2 tablespoons white wine or natural apple juice


175g / 6 oz sugar free apricot jam

3 tablespoons of arrowroot

425 ml / 3/4 pint natural apple juice

4 tablespoons of apricot brandy (optional)

150 ml / 1/4 pint soured cream


To make the fondue:

1. Gently melt the jam (jelly) in a saucepan.

2. In a mixing bowl, mix the arrowroot with 6 tablespoons of the Apple juice.

3. Add the remaining apple juice to the jam (jelly) and warm gently.

4. Stir in the arrowroot and bring to the boil, stirring.

5. Stir until thick and transparent.

6. Take the pan from the heat and stir in the apricot brandy (if using) and the soured cream.

7. Keep the fondue warm on the side of the grill while the kebabs are cooking.

To make the kebabs:

1. Scald and skin the peaches and the nectarines, halve and stone them and cut into 2.5cm / 1 inch cubes.

2. Divide the cubes between four kebab skewers.

3. Melt the jam (jelly) in a small saucepan on a low heat.

4. Mix in the apple juice or wine.

5. Cool the mixture slightly and brush over the fruit.

6. Cook the kebabs 10 - 15 cm / 4 - 6 inches above hot coals for 10 minutes or until brown, turning several times.

To serve, either dip the kebabs into the fondue or, transfer to bowls and spoon the fondue over the kebabs.

Moulded Lamb with Avocado Sauce


675 g / 1 1/2 lb shoulder of lamb, about one-eighth fat.

1 small onion

1 green pepper

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

2 tablespoons tomato paste

2 teaspoons paprika

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon curry powder

Oil for greasing

For the sauce:

1 ripe avocado

150 ml / 1/4 pint natural yoghurt

2 green or red chillies

1 garlic clove, crushed.


1. Mince or grind the lamb, using a fine blade

2. Quarter the onion; core, seed and dice the peppers.

3. Mince the lamb again with the onion. Peppers and garlic.

4. Add the tomato paste and spices and knead well with your fingers so that the spices become well incorporated.

5. Chill the mixture for about an hour.

To make the sauce:

1. Peel, stone and mash the avocado.

2. Gradually mix in the yoghurt.

3. Core, seed and finely chop the chillies.

4. Mix them into the avocado with the garlic.

To make the kebabs:

1. Form the minced lamb into eight long sausage shapes.

2. Oil four flat or square skewers and push them through the centre of the sausages (long ways)

3. Gently squeeze the sausages with your fingers to make sure they are firmly wrapped round the skewers.

4. Lay the skewers on an oiled barbeque grill 10 - 15 cm / 4 - 6 inches above the hot coals.

5. Cook them for 20 minutes or until they are lightly browned all over and firm to the touch, turning them several times.

Serve the sauce separately and enjoy!

Ray Thompson

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