Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Wereham Parish Council

August 2004

Wereham PC minutes for their July Meeting

Minutes of the Wereham Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13th July 2004 in the

Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Present: R. Lankfer - Chairman, G. Clere, C. Humphries, T. Manley - Borough Councillor together with two members of the public.

Apologies: Mrs. Willis, G. Gott, D. Pickston and P. Markwell.

Minutes: It was agreed that the Parish Meeting minutes be agreed as correct. The minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.

Matters Arising: The Memorial Garden is now satisfactory. The shrub at the end of Corner House, Back Street is still overgrown and obscuring the No Through Road sign - Clerk to contact the owners.

Planning: Mr. & Mrs. Fisher, Mulberry Cottage, Back Lane - extension to dwelling. Mr. & Mrs. Baddock, Chile House, Wereham - extension to dwelling - recommend approval.

Payments: C.G.M. Ltd £579.39 - grass and grounds maintenance half year; Macmillan Cancer Relief £20.00 - donation; Wayland Prison £75.00 - Village sign - proposed by G. Clere and seconded by C. Humphries pass for payment.

Correspondence: A letter from Alfred McAlpine plc stated that the cost of future maintenance contract with them would be £500.00, it was agreed that this appeared excessive. The clerk had already obtained a quotation from David Webster Ltd and further enquiries of them are to be made before finally placing a contract with them. N.C.C. - notification of roadworks in the village; N.C.C. Local 'bus service withdrawal; N.C.A. of P. & T. Councils reference a Millennium Library to be provided in Norwich with monies donated to J. Jenkins upon her retirement - request for book titles for the library - all noted. N.C.C. Winter Maintenance Questionnaire - completed by Chairman. Countryside Agency - Common Land and Open Country - checked and agreed. Mr. Lockwood - pavement - Auto Salvage to Crown Gardens footpath should be 6 feet wide and is only 3 feet wide and has grass growing through the tarmac - clerk to contact Norfolk County Council. Pond - Mr. Clere volunteered to contact someone regarding the green algae on the pond and is going to report back to the Chairman.

Any Other Business: No-Where Lane need cutting. The footpath from Park House to Charlton House new development is very overgrown, the Give Way Sign at The Row is broken - clerk to contact N.C.C. Tyres on wheels have been dumped on Cavenham Road Corner - Mr. Manley has agreed to contact the Borough Council. The public footpath from Cavenham Road to Boughton needs cutting - clerk to contact S. Donoclift. The hedge of Bright Cottage in School Lane is very overgrown - clerk to contact the owner.

The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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