West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

St Andrew's Newsletter

October 2004

The monthly update from St Andrew's West Dereham with Ryston


(Also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary the Virgin, Bexwell and St. Michael's, Ryston)

Vicar: The Revered Judith Grundy

The Rectory, Ryston Road, Denver

Tel 383226


Sunday 3rd October:

11am - HOLY COMMUNION: Celebrant The Reverend Judith Grundy

Preacher Mary Hurst (Coffee/tea at the end of the service)

6.3Opm - Evensong, St Mary the Virgin, Bexwell led by Lesley Pearce

Preacher The Reverend Judith Grundy

Sunday l0th October:

09.30 - HOLY COMMUNION: Led by Mary Hurst, Celebrant & preacher, The Reverend Judith Grundy.

Sunday 17th October:

9.30am - Family Service led by The Reverend Judith Grundy, Preacher Lesley Pearce.

8.00pm - Compline at St Mary the Virgin, Bexwell.

Wednesday 20th October:

7.3Opm - Healing service with Holy Communion

Sunday 24th October :

9.3Oam -HOLY COMMUNION: Celebrant and preacher: The Reverend Judith Grundy

Sunday 31st October

9.30am - HOLY COMMUNION: Celebrant and preacher: The Reverend Judith Grundy

Churchwardens for St. Andrew's West Dereham:

Mr. Graeme Pressley, The Plot, Church Road 01366 - 501179

Mrs. Christine Vincent, Aspen, Ryston Road, W. Dereham 01366 - 500283

INTERCESSIONS: Please let one of our churchwardens know (see tel nos. above) if you, or anyone you know, needs prayer, for sickness, or any other personal or family problem (in absolute confidence; no details are made public unless you wish it). We will gladly add any names to our weekly intercession list. We believe that God hears and answers prayers, according to His plan and purpose for your life.


Permission has now been received for the heating installation to proceed: We expect work to begin soon


You are invited to come along to St Andrew's to view the complete light set which has been temporarily installed over the font at the back of the church so that we can judge the effect and style of this light. The four-candle steel fitting , in the form off a Maltese Cross, has been beautifully made by Chris Stocking of Thomas B. Bonnett. The light power is provided by four low energy bulbs, giving 400 watts of light but taking only 80 watts of energy. The polycarbonate tubes transmit a lovely glow which echoes gently from the lacquered steel fittings.


If you wish to join a choir group which intends to keep practising items for special services at

St. Andrews and elsewhere, we welcome anyone who wants to have a go and would like to join our happy bunch.( Contact Chris Young: 01366 500470) MORE SOPRANOS AND BASSES PARTICULARLY WELCOME AND ANY CHILDREN WHO ENJOY SINGING


Sovereign Way Industrial Estate

(Downham Market Christian Fellowship)

Tel: 384474

Pastor: The Reverendd Alan Molineaux, M.A.

Assistant Pastor: Beverley Molineaux

Youth Pastor: Jo Sankey

Pastoral Team Co-ordinators: Bernie and Jill Reed

You will be most welcome to come along to join in the services at the "Sovereign Centre" which is now the focus of many events each week. These will be held there until building work begins on the construction of internal floors and fiitingd.

Sunday morning services begin at 10.3Oam.

Full details of services and events for October are included in the church newsletter: Phone 01366 - 384474 for your copy or, better still, call in for a coffee and a warm welcome at the Sovereign Centre.

Weekly events include: Powerhouse (for youngsters)

Tuesday Bible Study

Happitots Playgroup

The Alpha Course

The Marriage Course

Junior Church

Youth Alpha

Coffee Morning


During the recent summer vacation, a whole coach-load of teenagers from the Christian Fellowship, from Downham Methodist Church and St Mary's church Ely, attended two challenging events. During the first, "Soul in the City" week in London, they took part in working parties helping in churches, youth-groups and old peoples homes. They slept on the floors in church halls.

The second event, held in Somerset, was a massive rally for youngsters called "Soul Survivor" where they slept and cooked under canvass for a week.

On a Sunday afternoon recently, seven of these splendid youngsters came to the microphone to tell how these events had been life-changing for them and how they had decided to commit their lives and future to Jesus, their Lord and Saviour.

We then went outside to see them baptized in the recently acquired 15 ft pool and then enjoyed a celebratory barbecue together with about 200 friends and family supporters.

Chris Young

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