War Memorial Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

December 2004

November Parish Council Minutes

Minutes to Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

held in the Community Centre

at 7.30pm on Wednesday 3rd November 2004

1. Those attending: Mr M Mycock (Chairman), Mr B Harrison, Mrs M Leaman,

Mrs T Mann, Mr C Stocking, Mr S Randall, Mrs Negus (Clerk) Mr A Chaplin (Borough Council Community Safety Officer) 8 members of the public

Apologies for Absence received from P.C. Smith

No declarations of interest

2. Minutes of the last meeting were adopted and signed

3. Matters arising:

(a) Kerbs in Buckenham Drive - It had not been possible to establish an earlier date for highways to carry out this work. Mrs Mann felt that the only remaining course of action is for residents to individually express their concern to the Norfolk County Council.

(b) Cemetery - Mr Harrison reported that there had been little response to his request for volunteers regarding the cemetery. Following a discussion it was agreed that, since it is essential that work be carried out on some graves, the NAPTC should be contacted to ascertain what action the Parish Council can take to carry out the work. Quote from Country Grounds Maintenance to be available for the next meeting.

(c) Skateboarders - Mr Chaplin informed the meeting that he had been asked to investigate the problems caused by youths skateboarding on public roads. He confirmed that it was possible to get funding for the provision of a skateboard area but it was dependent on the assistance of the youngsters themselves who wanted it. This was discussed and the decision was made to take the following action:

 The Parish Council confirmed their support for the project

 Mr Chaplin and the Playing Field Committee would establish exactly how much interest there is in providing a skateboard area.

 Mr Chaplin and Playing Field Committee would apply for funding.

 Parish Council to get further quotes to include kerbs and small ramps

 Provision of lighting to be dealt with at a later date

 Energy cost for any lighting that may be provided would be paid by the Parish Council

 Location could be on the playing field.

(d) Placement of football storage container - letter from the Playing Field committee confirmed that they are applying for funding to install a Ball Wall which would alleviate the need to resite the container.

Mr Chaplin then left the meeting.

4. Planning

Notices of Decision received from the Borough Council:

Outline application land at the Piggery, Furlong Drove - granted

Extension at 7 Furlong Drove - granted

Land adjacent to The Hunny Pot, Furlong Drove - refused

Recommendations by Parish Council:

Toilet and shower block on playing field - approve

Dormer windows Home Farm, Wretton Road - approve

Change of use to retail at Romer Farm, Oxborough Road - approve with recommendations regarding access

5. Liaison Meeting

Mr Harrison attended the meeting on 6 October and gave his report to the Council. He reported that the environmental responsibility for the factory would soon be passing from the Borough Council Environmental Health Officer to the Environment Agency.

6. Payments for Approval

McAlpine Maintenance Services 1/2year public lighting maintenance - £238.98

Robert Giles - Repair to bus shelter £55.00

Payments proposed by Mr Ferrie, seconded by Mr Harrison

7. Correspondence

Communication from PC Smith expressing regret that the Parish Constable could not be progressed due to lack of candidates. An offer was made for the Methwold constable to attend a meeting to answer questions from potential candidates if any arise. The communication stressed that residents should be vigilant regarding potential burglaries and remove valuables, particularly Christmas presents, from view.

Letter from NCC regarding change of lighting maintenance contractor. It was felt that at this stage the existing contractor offered good service.

Notification of transfer of licence for The Corner Shop to Mr Ager. No objections

Request by Mayor for civic award nominations for voluntary work.

Details of Norfolk Waste Conference - circulated

Information from Borough Council regarding Housing Stock Transfer - circulated

8. Other Business


 Clerk updated the Council on the situation regarding both the Deed of Gift of the common land and the date for Consecration of the new cemetery.

 Clerk asked Councillors to consider new items for the budget for discussion at the next meeting

 Mr Harrison asked for the Councillors agreement to a letter being sent to Norfolk County Council regarding the lack of response from Borough in respect of planning matters. This was agreed.

 The police had been made aware of the problem of motor cyclists using School Lane.

 Car parking on High Street was discussed again. It was agreed that the Police should be asked to do further checks in conjunction with a Councillor.

 Repairs required to the telephone box

 Details of internal work being carried out at the Church


The Council were asked to consider using the EDP as a channel to publicise the lack of planning response. It was felt that this was not the course of action to take at this stage.

The poor parking situation was reiterated particularly parking on footpaths which caused residents to have to walk in the road.

Details of Broadband were requested. Mr Randall explained how it would work

Road sign for Manor Road has not been installed. Clerk will contact Highways department.

Request for a further article regarding the cemetery to be put in The Pump

Report of persistent dog fouling in Wretton Road. Clerk to contact the dog warden.

Report of Whiteaway lorries using the route through the village instead of the by-pass.

The next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 15th December

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm

Parish Clerk

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