Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Meeting of the Wereham Parish Council - January

February 2005

Minutes of January Wereham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Wereham Parish Council

Held on Tuesday 11th January 2005

In The Village Hall at 7.30p.m.

1. Present: R. Lankfer - Chairman, G. Gott, Mrs. Willis, C. Humphries, D. Pickston, G.Clere, P. Markwell, T. Manley - Borough Councillor together with a member of the public.

2. Apologies: None

3. Minutes: G. Gott proposed and D. Pickston seconded that the minutes of the

November meeting be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: The area of tarmac between Mill Hill Garage and Laurel Farm on Stoke Road needs further attention. The footpath outside The Forge in Church Road still needs attention and the tree in Flegg Green is deemed to be in good order.

5. Planning: T. Hewitt - Extension to Old Chapel The Green Wereham

6. Payments: Petty Cash £26.00: Clerk's salary £747.50 - proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by G. Gott pass for payment.

7. Precept: It was proposed by C. Humphries and seconded by P. Markwell that a precept of £ 2950. 00 be set for the coming year - unanimously agreed.

8. Correspondence: Norfolk Matters: Norfolk Link : N.C.C. Winter Gritting Routes: W.Norfolk Rural Transport - Guide to follow: N.C.C. East of England Consultation meeting - all noted. N.C.C. letter regarding possible missing Road Signs. Norfolk Traveller Liaison Group report: W.N.B.C. Mayor's Award for Design in the Environment - noted. Contract from Pearce & Kemp Ltd for the Street Light Maintenance.

9. Any Other Business: There is a house light in Stoke Road which is very distracting when driving and it would be better if it was tilted downwards slightly. The Marker Posts in Stoke Road opposite Charlton View development need replacing. Wheels and tyres and also a large bumper have been dumped on the verge in two places along Cavenham Road - first lot on the second corner and the next a little further along. There are two abandoned cars on the verge on College Road towards the Beet Factory.

The meeting closed at 8.l5 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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