Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council -January
February 2005
Minutes of West Dereham PC for January
Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council
held on Thursday 13th January 2005 in
The Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
1. Present: Miss Richardson - Vice chairperson, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Cann, B. Glover, M. Grief, Mrs. Fisher together with 3 members of the public.
2. Apologies: E. Drew and Mrs. Moir - Borough Councillor.
3. Minutes: It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th December 2004 be signed as a correct record.
4. Matters arising: The dustbin for the Bus Shelter/ Village Hall area is almost ready and will be erected before the next meeting. The Allotment grass still needs cutting and the Cemetery extension area still needs marking etc:.
5. Planning: None
6. Payments: None
7. Precept: It was proposed by Mrs. Cairn and seconded by Mrs. Fisher that a precept of £1500. 00 be requested.
8. Correspondence: Norfolk County Council - Dedication of bridleway from Straight Drove south west towards The Wissey. Norfolk Police Authority - Budget meeting to be held on 24th January 2005 at Wymondham.- all noted. Annual Audit - all found to be in order.
9. Any Other Business: Pot holes have been reported in the following areas - Ryston Road from junction with Lime Kiln Road towards the Grain Store, Station Road near the new cottages. A complaint was received about the way the trees along the footpath from Village Hall to Community Centre have been badly cut back thus leaving them susceptible to disease. The verges along Station Road are in a very bad state and the question was asked why other verges in the Village have been tidied and soiled and nothing has been done to the Station Road verges. Matters to be raised with the Borough Council - inadequate size of the wheelie bins and particularly the open topped re-cycling bins also the lack of consideration by the Refuse collectors when emptying and replacing the green bins.
The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.
Parish Clerk