River Wissey Lovell Fuller

A seconfd letter from Ron

March 2005

Ron thanks fellow contributors for their input

Dear Ray

Could I thank Peter Bodle for his information relating to Bernie Ecclestone and the unidentified Mustang. It was also nice of Janet McCormack to draw attention to the IWM Duxford Mustangs. I was aware that they were there but it was the location of the 'stranger' that intrigued me. I would very much like to endorse Janet's recommendation of Duxford for a good day out. I cannot deny some association with Duxford however, as Janet did, June worked there for some years, including a number of years before she retired when she was in charge of their finance office. Daughter Jackie also worked there for a while as a museum assistant and I did a little voluntary work. Nonetheless I do not think this should detract from the recommendation. We had a great day there last September, even our seven year old granddaughter, whom we feared might find it boring, thoroughly enjoyed the day, so you see it is not just a place for sad old men like me.

Ron Watts

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