Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Boughton News

April 2005

Our monthly input from Boughton. Why not add your contribution?

New to Boughton and keen on gardening?

It can be difficult at this time of year to meet other people in the village, but if you are keen on gardening there is a way. Several people are on the committee of Downham Market Horticultural Society, and would be happy to introduce new members. The Society meets on the second Monday of each month, in Downham Market Town Hall. There is a varied programme of events, for ten months of the year. The annual subscription is currently £4.00. It would be a good way of meeting others from this village, and sharing an interest. Contact Pam on 500429, or Pauline on 500614 if you are interested.

Lent Service

It has been the custom for several years to hold a series of services during Lent, giving members of the Fincham Deanery a chance to meet together for fellowship and to hear different preachers. Usually the warmest churches in the deanery are chosen to host the meetings, which is why Boughton is regularly on the list! We were pleased to welcome more than fifty people on March 9th, to hear Andrew Sankey speak on the subject of Ecumenical Peace. He is the Superintendent of the Downham Market circuit of the Methodist Church. He gave us an interesting account of his time in the Liverpool area, where he knew both David Shepherd and Derek Warlock, and stressed the need for the different strands of Christian Faith to get to know each other, using the creative tension between their differing points of view to make progress.

Pam Wakeling

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