River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Stoke Ferry Chapel News

May 2005

The monthly Methodist Newsletter

May 1st 11.00 Sheila Forth

May 8th 11.00 Andrew Sankey

May 15th 11.00 Ruth Palmer

May 22nd 11.00 Wendy Webb

May 29th 11.00 Church Fellowship Service

When I was a theology student in Cambridge on my way to lectures I used to walk past many homeless folk. In the end I plucked up the courage to sit down alongside Tim, a homeless man, to see why and how he had come to be on the streets. As the conversation continued he soon wanted to know about me. I told him that I was a Christian and training to be one of those 'vicar-blokes'. He soon went on to explain that he did not like Christians because they had life easy, that God looked after them and nothing bad ever happened to them. To his surprise, I soon told him that this was not true and that Christians have difficult times as well.

It really is true that Christians do not have an easy life because of our faith, but we do have the gift of prayer. In prayer we do not get quick fix answers but we have confidence that God will answer our prayers in the way only he can. It could be the answer we expect, maybe something quite different or it could simply be the peace only he can give. One thing is for sure that God answers our prayers that is why we do it! If you would like us to pray for you in anyway please contact one of us and we will be pleased to do so.

Every Blessing, Matt Finch

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